|14|Here We Go Again.

Start from the beginning

A knock on the door distracted Mina from actually getting the water to boiling point, but nonetheless, she walked to the green wooden door and swung it open without looking in the peephole. Her blonde eyebrows shot up in surprise looking at the three females at the door.

"HEY!~" Chiyumi greeted, inviting herself in. Mina, still in shock, swung the door open to them all in without her knowing. She blinked her violet eyes and closed the door after them.

"Sure! Just invite yourselves in," The Uzumaki said sarcastically, closing the door behind them and tidying up their shoes at the door from habit.

Placing four cups of green tea onto the coffee table, she sat down on the only free space there was. "I haven't seen you in a while, Etsuko." She greeted the blue haired female, who only nodded in greeting. The red-eyed female took a sip of her tea, embracing the silence for a moment.

"You killed Hideki, didn't you?" Etsuko said, not beating around the bush and not really caring for how Mina would react.

"You can't say it like that!" Akihiko scolded, sending a warning look at the average height girl.

"Well, what am I supposed to say?" She asked, not expecting a response so she continued, "I come back from Suna and find out a comrade died. My suspicions land on Mina."

"That's right~" Mina cooed, eyes widening and sparkling in a certain manner, "You were in Suna~ So! How was he?" She asked, a cheeky smile gracing her whiskered features.

"W-what do you mean?" Etsuko asked, her red eyes widening, a red tint sprouting her cheeks. She coughed suddenly, gaining control of her facial expression and moulding it back to the serious one. "Don't change the subject, answer my question."

"Yes..." Mina's voice barely made it above a whisper as she turned her gaze to her teacup, "I'm not going to deny or make the situation seem less dramatic than what it is, 'cause there's no soft way to put that I killed Hideki, ya know?" She moved her violet eyes to lock onto Etsuko's red ones, "And there's not really an excuse, I just did."

"I see." Etsuko responded to Mina's short explanation, "Thanks for your honesty."

"Wait," Mina called, eyes widening in shock, "You're not mad?"

"It came as a shock that a close friend of mine is dead, but I guess that your honesty made realise that your not a bad person, and no matter what you believe, that was an accident." The Uzumaki scoffed at Estukos answer, a lopsided grin forming on her face.

"If I were you I would re-think the 'not a bad person' part," Mina said, a playful tone clear to her team.

"Hey, with how much time we spent together, I know you're not a bad person." Came the red-eyed girls reply.

"Oh! Like that time when we were in search of that cat and you healed that injured bird!" Chiyumi's voice caught the attention of the rest. And not long after the four were reminiscing about the past.


"MINA!?" The voice of Chiyumi stopped the laughter. The brown haired female came padding into the living room, a little wooden box in hand. "REMEMBER THIS!?" She shouted in question, showing the wooden puzzle box. Mina's eyes widened a faction, gaining memory of that box.

"Where did you find it?" The Uzumaki questioned, gaze not leaving the box.

"OH! I was snooping in your room and found this in the sock drawer!" Chiyumi explained grinning and plopping her bottom onto the couch. She started fiddling with the box, twisting the cubes on the box, halfheartedly trying to find a pattern.

"And, why where you looking in the sock drawer?" Mina asked, raising an eyebrow and lips tugging up into a playful smile.

"I-ugh.....um..?" The brown haired kunoichi spluttered, trying to think of an excuse on the spot and blatantly failing. "OH! I needed to borrow some socks!"

"But you never wear socks, ya know," Mina shot down her excuses as soon as it came out of her mouth, her smirk breaking out into a grin as Akihiko and Etsuko laughed. The room was once again filled with their laughter.

But suddenly, Mina shot out of her comfortable sitting position and launched herself at Chiyumi. Violet eyes wide, mouth agape in panic. She didn't want to go through that thing again! But once the light surrounding her being as she held the wooden box tightly in her hand, a couple of steps away from where the three were seated, she knew it was unstoppable.

She moved so fast that everything seemed to be going slowly, her teammates seemed to be frozen in place. Though they weren't, Mina was just moving too fast for them. And she was somewhat glad, she didn't have to drag her teammates into another world with this mysterious box.

Her violet eyes landed on the box that disabling itself and rearranging the smaller cubes.

Here we go again.


So in this chapter, I felt like adding a small area of Mina's perspective, and although I didn't say it was her point of view, I hope you figured it out.

As you probably know by now, the next chapter will be a crossover! :P
Hope you enjoy it.


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