|1| The Half Moon.

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Life is short. We all know it, whether we accept that fact or not, that's a different matter. When someone is young, we naturally think that life was long. We think that we have ages before we have to worry about what we'll do in the future. But then life goes by in a blink of an eye and suddenly, you find yourself at a point where you can't move forward unless you make a decision. That decision will determine what happens next in your life. Whether it was a big decision or a small one, whatever choice you make, it could affect your whole life.

So it's important to make the right choice when you have the chance. Otherwise, it will be difficult. Everything in your life is a reflection of the choices you've made. Make the right ones and nothing bad will happen, right? It's easier said than done. Sometimes good people make bad choices, does that make them bad people? Or does it just mean that they're human? And even if you make the wrong decision, it's how you deal with it that will actually determine what will happen.

Life is short. We all know this, so most people try to do the most with it. Never having enough time to stop everything and truly appreciate life. The small things in life are overlooked, the things that are seen every day. These things can be the things that bring peace to this corrupt world, though many are too busy dealing with their problems, to actually deal with the world's problems. Another decision.

Different situations bring people to have different views on life. And this teenage girl was one of the few that stopped to appreciate the little things. She was one of the few that saw the beauty from the pain. The girl was lying in a field of overgrown grass, all ligaments spread out like a starfish, violet, half-lidded eyes stared at the cloudless, dark sky. And in that dark sky, something shone, brightening the night, not letting the night be in complete darkness. Like a giant torch, though not nearly as bright as the sun.

It was one of the peaceful moments that she appreciated because a gut feeling told her it wasn't going to last. She closed her eyes fully, taking a deep breath of the fresh oxygen that lingered in the air. The overgrown grass was still damp from the quick shower the world had just taken.

After what felt like hours, she re-opened her violet eyes, half-lidded again, staring longer at the silver semi-circle in the air. She slowly lifted a hand, moving it in the view of the moon in a way of shielding her eyes from the brightness.

"A half moon," The girl's voice came out soft. But it was scratchy and dry, "A bright half and a dark half," she dropped her hand to the ground letting it flop with a small thud. A bitter-sweet smile made its way onto her pale lips, "Just like me." She talked to no one, thinking out loud if you want.

The teen sighed, sitting up slowly, golden blonde hair falling in front of her face. She didn't know how much time had gone by when she was in darkness, but it was long enough for her hair to grow back to the long length it had once been. It was messy like it hadn't been washed and brushed in years, which it hadn't, and was all over the place. But the girl couldn't do anything about it in this moment, and she didn't really care about it. The colour stayed the same, the bizarre mix of blonde and red, only now there was more blonde that faded into the bright red. She felt taller as she walked, too, which seemed to be a good thing. But other than that, nothing really felt different. She didn't have a mirror to look at the differences, the thought of her having to look in the mirror terrified her. Did she look as horrible as she felt?

Her ankles and wrists having darker marks, scars, where the cuffs were, along with the others. Dried blood still covered parts of her body and clothes, maybe some in her hair, and the ragged clothes had not been sewed up or replaced.

A fine, blonde eyebrow raised in curiosity as she watched the figure walk towards her. But she made no move, as the man came within speaking distance. He stopped, staring down at the duo hair coloured girl, pale grey eyes watching as she tilted her head up in curiosity.

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