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"What do you mean he's not here?" Kendall asks bitterly. We are currently standing in the middle of the landing terminal, and as of now every single person passing us has their eyes pointed in our directions.

My timing is horrible.

"Please just calm down," I try but she shakes her head furiously, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Do you realize that I've told my dad that there's an emergency here, I worried him and now when Ethan shows up at our front doorstep, my dads going to think I lied to him so I could go on a trip with you." She pokes me in the chest harshly before continuing her narration, "He's going to think I'm cheating on Ethan with you just like my mom."

I look taken aback, Kendall rarley talks about her mom, let alone acknowledges her existence. It felt weird and kind of honoring to hear those words come out of her mouth.

"Well your not actually cheating on him." I shift uneasily, waiting for her answer.

Kendall glares at me before saying, "Actually I am," and beginning to leave. Without a second thought, I latch onto her hand, pull her back and our lips collide. I wait for her to pull away, enjoying the moment while it lasts, but she doesn't and the world slowly falls away as all my attention is encapsulated in this embrace. 

I finally let go of her, slipping my hand away from her waist. My eyes meet her own and she's already looking at me but not with lust or love but with rage. "Don't ever kiss me again." She spits before her hand latches onto her luggage and she begins to drag it away.

Don't ever kiss me again.

The words strike over and over in my mind like an iPod stuck on replay. I can feel my heart thumping in my chest. I didn't know how to feel or react. 

"Are you coming or not?" Kendall's sharp voice cuts through my thoughts and I quickly jog to catch up to her. We walk through the halls in silence, the noise around us drowning everything out. 

"Can you explain to me why we're here Grayson?" She finally asks and I looks down at her, Kendalls not looking at me but I can tell her anger is subsiding.

I sigh, "Ethan's coming if that what you want to know."

She shakes her head, "Just because I don't like you, doesn't mean I don't care about you." Kendall says quickly, "Why are we here gray."

"We-, I-," I try but all that comes out is, "You don't like me?"

Kendall bites her lip, "I thought I made that clear." Her voice is soft and her brown eyes hesitantly slide towards me. I quickly look away.

Her hand involuntarily grips my hand but she quickly recoils, "Grayson I-I'm sorry. You were with Cheri"

"You could've waited," I say quickly.

Kendall purses her lips, "For how long? Grayson-gray, I've been waiting. I've waited and waited and waited but you never came."

"I'm here now."

Kendall glances up at me uneasily and when she speaks her voice is faint and stuttering, "T-too late."

I tear my gaze from her, focusing on the arrival gate we're reaching. We're going to have to take an Uber or something because I haven't even told my mom yet. I quickly whip out my phone, text Cameron, my dad and mom before ordering an Uber.

"Grayson!" My mom's voice sticks out like a sore thumb in the crowd of people, I turn towards the voice only to find myself face to face with none other than Lisa Dolan. I bolt, not even thinking for a minute about Kendall. Seeing her was like a pulling the trigger on all my emotions. My mom wraps her arms around me as I burrow into her, trying to refrain myself from crying. It wasn't that much of a successful mission. 

When I finally let go, she looks at me a little concerned but I shake my head and she gives me the we-will-talk-about-this-later look. 

"Kendall, it's always good to see you." My mom acknowledges Kendall, who is now standing beside me. The two of them hug as I cancel my Uber.

"How did you know we were coming?" I ask.

"Mr. Johnson sent me your flight details." She replies simply, "Although I don't understand why your brother couldn't have just come with you two."

Kendall glances at me, looking for answers.

"I didn't know he took breakups that seriously." My mom continues to ramble on, "We'll talk about you later Grayson."

I turn to Kendall, "Can you excuse us for a moment?" She nods her head, taking the luggage cart with her while I move towards my mom.

"What do you mean, I didn't do jackshit." I blurt.

She narrows her eyes, "Language mister."

"Ok fine sorry, but what did I do?" I ask again.

"You like Kendall when Ethan did? You forced them to break up?" She accuses me, "Ethan told me everything. I know that you blackmailed him."

I fold my arms around my chest, "Ethan told you all this?"

She nods her head, "Yup."

"That little bitch," I say under my breath as Kendall arrives from returning the trolly and we get into the car.

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