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Once all the major important guests arrived, everything was a blur. The guards started rushing everyone to get inside, of course, Kendall and E got some sort of special treatment because her dad was the director and Ethan was her date but the rest of us were as good as any ordinary irritating group of nobody's who were miraculously invited to a movie premiere.

Don't get me wrong, the red carpet was a really cool experience but after that, we were just hurried into seating, and since our seats were allocated by another person, someone thought it was funny to place Kendall and me right next to each other. Also, apparently, Cheri wasn't on the guest list, and Mr. Johnson had to make some kind of arrangement so she could stay. So, while all of us were sitting towards the front, my poor girlfriend, was place back seat.

"I think I should go back there to give her company?" I suggest to nobody in particular, glancing, back in the sea of people trying to spot out my girlfriend. I knew she was probably going to be mad but what could I do?

Ethan shrugs from the other side of Kendall, "Eh, I don't think that's a good idea. Seating is fixed and we already put Mr. Johnson through a lot to have her stay." 

I bite my lip indecisively before making my mind up and turning back around so I'm facing the big screen. People are still pouring in from the doors, I note.

"What's the movie about, didn't really get time to check it out." I overhear Ethan ask Kendall. Her head flies towards him so I'm facing the back of her.

She shrugs, "My dad strictly makes horror or adventure movies. He doesn't really like to tell me what's it about because he says it ruins the element of surprise and I'm the only person who gives him an honest opinion of the movie." 

Ethan chuckles, "That's true." 

She laughs as well before turning her head towards the screen where the main actors and actresses have positioned themselves. It takes them a minute for them to introduce the movie and themselves before they bring Mr. Johnson on stage. The crowd erupts in a mechanical type of applause as the director graces the stage and finally, the movie begins.

Halfway through the movie, the suspense had risen to the max, I could feel the hairs on my hand standing but nobody could enjoy a good movie when Cameron was sitting on the left of you.

"Shawn help me find my phone." He whispers, ruining the mood, I look around but nobody seemed to hear him except me- not even shawn.

"SHAWN!" He whispers a little louder, nudging the side of me with his sharp elbow, I wince in pain before giving him a sarcastic grin.

Pointing to the left of him, I say, "Shawn's on that side you asshole."

Cameron punches me playfull, "Thanks man," He winks before going to annoy Shawn. I can hear their conversation but I try my best to tune it out and zone back into the movie.

Not a second later, a flashlight goes on literally blinding my eyes, so I look to my right and I immediately wish I hadn't.

Kendall is grabbing onto Ethan's hand for her dear life.

The rest of the movie goes by so much slower and from time and again I find myself glancing at Kendall and Ethan.

Once the film ended, there was a big applause and Mr. Johnson came back on stage to announce theirs an after party.

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