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CHAPTER 2.3: oh no!

"PUT ON SOME DAMN CLOTHES GREASY!" The door slams open and I relax at the masculine voice then tense again, while watching Kendall pull the covers over my head.

"How the fuck did you guys get in here?" I question the four smug looking boys, with the same devilish smirk in their eyes. Shawn lifts up his hands, a sleek card propped between two of his fingers.

"I told you too put on some clothes," Gilinsky says again, "I won't give you my blessings, and if you want Kendall then you have to ask for our blessings."

Rolling my eyes, I don't budge. Kendall shifts under the bed, and I realize that her dress is in a puddle halfway across the room. Moving to go pick it up, I notice the absence of the black dress before glancing behind to see Cameron dropping it onto her bed, his back facing her as he does.

"Out, out, out." Johnson gestures me, "Have some decency man." And the five of us pile into the bathroom as the someone shifts in the covers outside.

I fold my arms across my chest, "Seriously, how?"

Shawn once again repeats the action, his tongue grazing his lips as he does, "It was easy, we stole it."

"From cherry." Johnson beams, "Oh and by the way, Cheri is looking all over for you. I think she even came to the room a few time to try the door handle and make sure there's nobody in here."

My heart freezes in my chest but I continue questioning, "Have they noticed Kendall is gone?" I ask and all of them shake their heads.

"I think some people have, actually, but they're all too drunk to say think anything about it."

The door to the bathroom twists open, reviling Kendall who is now fully dressed. The boys shove past me, smiling.

"Is Ethan here?" She glances around the bathroom nervously, when the fantastic four shake their heads she lets out a breath.

Johnson raises his brow, "Are you switching lanes?"

I butt in, "Hey, I just had sex with her." Kendall scowls at me in response.

"So you got that cranberry juice, finally." Cameron winks and I watch her grin widely in acknowledgment as Gilinsky nudges her softly.

I stand puzzled, "When did you get cranberry juice? We didn't get cranberry juice."

They ignore me, Kendall beginning to clean up the messy room, "We need to go, now."

Once again, I'm left confused as the five of them start piling out the door, I grab onto Kendall's hand and ask, "Why?"

She shoots daggers at me, "Your brother is alone down there, he doesn't know anybody. Girls will take advantage of him if he's too drunk."

"Or vice versa," I smirk, before shutting the door behind me.

Kendall scoffs, "Ethan's sweet, a gentleman. He would never." We hop into the elevator that the fantastic four kept waiting before she continues, "Plus, I don't want him to meet Carli."

"Carli is here?" Gilinsky sounds surprised at the statement.

Kendall narrows her eyes, "You're the ones who invited her."

"Why, I think they'd like each other." An image of my brother with my ex-girlfriend pop into my head, "They'd be that hot couple."

"That," Kendall stresses on the word, "Is exactly why I don't want him to meet her."

I furrow my eyebrows, "Wait, you don't want him to get a girlfriend. Wh-," Before I could complete my sentence, or contemplate her reaction the elevator dings open, revealing my current girlfriend, Cheri.

Her eyes move directly from Kendall to me. Involuntarily, I smoothen my hair and wipe my face for any leftover lipstick. I prepare for a storm, but instead, It hits Kendall.

Venom thickened in her features she shouts, "Where the fuck did you take my boyfriend, you dumb bitch." But she's not finished, "I don't give two shits if it's your birthday. Your hair is a mess, you have a hickey, I swear if you kissed him."

The four close in but immediately stop at Kendall's response, "No, it's better, I fucked him. You should've seen it coming anyway though, Cherry."

She gasps, "YOU, YOU DRUGGED HIM!"

"Oh don't go accusing me of things you've probably done to him, you'll only make a fool out of yourself." Kendall snaps, "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm looking for someone."

A sudden smirk lifts onto Cheri's face, "You're looking for Ethan, am I right?"

Kendall spins around, "Do you know where he is?"

"Off to assure your boyfriend that you haven't fucked his brother?" She continues to pry at the subject, "Well don't bother, he already knows you did."

"What did you tell him, where is he?"

"Oh, why he left." 

Cameron narrows his eyes, "Left? Left to where? We're staying at the hotel tonight."

Cheri turns to Grayson, "I don't know, he just booked a ticket and left. Completley heartbroken, I wonder how he found out, don't you?"

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