“Jen, stop it! Harry loves Cammie. He would never do anything to hurt her.” Amber said giving me a sympathetic look.

“Well it is Harry Styles. I mean he hasn’t changed that much.” Jen added sipping her coffee. I felt my throat start to close up. I looked back and forth between each girl.

“Cam, don’t worry Harry would never cheat on you.” Lily said giving me a smile. All of a sudden my phone started to ring. A smile stretched across my face.

“It’s Harry.” I said with relief. I answered the phone. I put it on speaker for the girls. We were the only ones in the coffee shop.

“Hey babe!” I said setting the phone on the table.

“Hey! I miss you so much! What have you been up too?” He said.

“Nothing, out for lunch with the girls. You’re on speaker.” I said smiling. I miss hearing his voice.

“Hello loves!” Harry said. The girls giggled.

“Hi Harry!” They all said simultaneously.

“Babe, take me off speaker. I have to talk to you about something.” He said. The smile on my face dropped. Oh god. I looked at the girls worried. I picked up the phone and placed it to my ear. ‘It will be okay’ Amber mouthed. I nodded and I tucked my hair behind my ear. I walked out of the coffee shop and I leaned against the wall.

“Yes?” I said nervously.

“Babe, our tour got extended another month. I won’t be able to spend Christmas with you.” Harry said.

“W-what? Are you sure?” I was speechless. Harry and I were supposed to spend Christmas together and he was going to meet the rest of my family. Then for New Year’s he was going to take me back to England to visit his family again. I was so excited.

“I am REALLY sorry babe. I was really looking forward to it too!” Harry said. He didn’t sound too upset.

“Oh-okay well uh…I have to go. I will talk to you later.” I said really bummed.  

“Okay babe, I love you.” He said.

“I love you too.” I tried to smile. I hung up the phone and walked back into the coffee shop. All the girls looked at me and notice the sad look on my face.

“Oh no. What happened?” Lily asked.

“He....The tour got extended. He won’t be able to make it back for Christmas.” I said furring my eyebrows. I was almost confused.

“Oh no. Girl, I am so sorry!” Amber said.

“It’s okay. It’s just weird. They never have to extend tours.” I said crossing my arms and leaning on the table. I was deep in thought.

“I told you” Jen mumbled with her mouthful of food and I glared at her. A few moments later Bridget walked through the door of the coffee shop. She looks almost stressed.

“Hey Bridget.” I said. She gave me a small smile and walked over to me.

“Hey, you guys haven’t seen Tyler have you?” she asked. She looks like she hasn’t slept in days.

“No, he wasn’t in class today. But here sit down. You look a mess.” I said in the nicest way possible. Bridget had a seat and Amber went to go get her a coffee.

“Tyler is really sick. I have been trying to keep him under control and help him but there’s nothing I can do.” She said in a worried tone.

“Well has he gotten worse?” Rita asked and Bridget nodded.

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