Harry got up and started to walk away but I shouted at him making him turned his head.

"Hey, Styles! Thanks man."

All I received from him was a smile and then he kept walking.

Maybe I was becoming an overprotective boyfriend after all. But how would I not be one if there were people who actually hated El just for being my girlfriend? As time went by I convince myself more and more that it was my fault.

Half an hour later we arrived to the studio and, as usual, there were some fans waiting for us in the parking lot. I was starting to believe they had some kind of superpower to locate us.

As we got ready to get off the bus Paul gave us a serious talk.

"Okay guys, listen. I know you love meeting your fans but we're late so please, hurry up outside."

"No problem! Just let us say hi to them." Niall said smiling.

"I'm going inside at once. I'm not in the mood to take pictures. Sorry." I said taking my bag from the floor.

They all looked at me when I mentioned I would not meet the fans. Some of them were surprised at my attitude and some others looked kind of angry.

"Louis what are you saying?" Zayn asked me angrily.

"What you heard. I'm really sorry."

"Man, you don't look good, we'll talk inside." Liam said and it sounded like an order. He always acted like our father and, bad for me, most of the times he was right so we all listened to him carefully.

The security personnel got off the bus first, then Paul and finally the boys. As soon as they put a foot in the parking lot I heard the screams of many girls. They sounded like if they were thousands but probably they were only twenty or thirty. For any, those screams would be scary or annoying; for me, one of the best things I've ever heard.

It was like if the outcry made me think about how silly I was being. I was so nervous about El that I was acting like an idiot. She always encouraged me to meet the fans and to be kind to them. If El would have been there, she would have been furious at me for trying to avoid those girls.

Without thinking it twice, I got out the bus almost running and went straight towards the crowd. I signed some autographs and took some pictures. By chance I met Harry's face. He looked at me and, discretely, winked at me like approving my decision.

Already in the studio the screams shut off.

"Hey! Look what I got!" Niall was holding a box with chocolate cupcakes. "I love those girls."

"We definitely have the best fans in the world." I said stealing one cupcake from the box.

"And what made you change your mind, Tommo?" Zayn asked me. "I saw you signing autographs out there."

"Many things, but it doesn't matter. Let's start!"

"That's the Louis we all want. And trust me, El will be fine. She must be having the time of her life shopping around." Harry said handing out our microphones as we climbed the little stage where we usually rehearsed.

The rest of the boys stopped walking and turned to me.

"AHHH" They said at the same time and they burst out laughing. They finally knew what was causing my discomfort.

"So your girlfriend is out and you're worried." Liam said giving me a pat on my shoulder. "I understand how you feel but she'll be fine."

"Liam's right. El has learned how to avoid annoying paparazzi and angry fans." Niall said trying to sound funny.

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