Thanksgiving-Cisco x Reader

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You giggled playfully with your cousin on the couch as she told you storied about your family that has happened over the past year.
Cisco was leaning on the wall, talking with your father about your new place that the two of you just bought.
"Yeah, it's the perfect size." You over hear Cisco.
Everyone else was around the house just talking about their lives and eating some food. Just a typical family gathering.
"Ooh, who's ready for some drinks?" Your Aunt Beth cooed from the kitchen.
Your cousin instantly ran to the kitchen and you watched as she opened a bottle of wine. You continued to sit on the couch and watched as she poured herself a glass.

Cisco walked over to you and took a seat right next to you and smiled.
"Hello gorgeous." He smiled. "How's it goin'?"
"It's going good. Just sort of tired." You yawned.
"Yeah.. I can agree." Cisco chuckled.
"Here (Y/N), drink up." Your cousin smiled as she appeared in front of you once more.
"What's that?" You asked when your head tilted.
Your cousin handed Cisco a small glass of the same beverage.
"Ameretto and Coke." She shrugged. "It tastes like Root Beer."
"Ooh, nice!" You smiled and took it from her hands.
You were just about to take a sip until you heard your aunt speak.
"Ooh wee. Twenty is too young to ne drinking." Your aunt smiled from across the room to you.
"And thirty five is too young to be a grandmother." You smiled right back as you took a sip from your drink.
The room went silent.
Everyone stared until Cisco started to laugh. More of a wheeze.
He held his chest in order to breathe and then he wiped some tears away.
"Good one, babe." Cisco laughed.
"Wow..I see that attitude didn't go away." Your aunt tried to speak once more.
"I see your husband did." You sighed.

I hope you guys enjoy this one.
I about gained 20 pounds tonight by eating so much.
Hope you all had a good day💝
Imma post more for tonight. Everyone in the TF will have a one-shot. Just be patient.

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