Shawn reaches down to grab Jaxon's hand to guide the two downstairs. Jaxon takes a seat on the couch. He sighs again, leaning his back against the couch. "Sorry about them."

"Not your fault," Jaxon stands up from the couch and walks into the kitchen. He swings the refrigerator door open, seeing a pack of beers sitting on one of the shelves. He frowns at them before reaching to grab one of them.

He returns to the couch, taking a sip of his opened beer. Gross, he thinks. He never liked the taste of beer and never understood why anyone would drink it willingly but here he is.

Mia and Gavin do the walk of shame as they join the couple in the living room. Gavin clears his throat. "Uh...Sheets are in the washer. I threw in two tide pods for good luck."

Mia notices the beer in Jaxon's hands, eyebrows furrowing. "What's wrong, Jax?"

Jaxon just takes another sip of the disgusting drink in his hands. Shawn watches him before looking at Mia. "Jax's dad is at his house. Something for work she says?"


"Yeah," Jaxon speaks out of turn. "That asshole is staying in the guest bedroom. I was gone for like two days and that was the perfect way for them to play house again."

"What the fuck, Jax? Do you know why?"

"Who cares. It doesn't even matter." Jaxon sets the beer down on the coffee table and stands. "Whatever, it's stupid just forget it. I'm going to shower."

Shawn watches him and stands up to follow him to the staircase. "Hey," He waits for Jaxon's eyes to connect with his. "Hey. Just...I love you, okay?"

Jaxon nods his head. "I love you, too." Shawn smiles at him and leans in to kiss him softly on the lips. "Okay. Go ahead."

Jaxon made his way up the staircase to take his shower. Shawn sighs and walks back over to the couch where his friends were seated.

Gavin tilts his head towards the staircase. "He good?"

Shawn grabs the beer off the coffee table, taking own sup from it. "His dad grabbed him. I think he's just a little shaken up."


Jaxon was sitting on the couch, a blanket over his lap. He has a tub of ice cream in his lap. Shawn stands up from the couch and joins Gavin in the kitchen. Gavin had decided to stay over but Mia had to return home.

Jaxon laughs at the TV, shoving another spoonful of ice cream past his lips. Shawn furrows his brows at him before looking at Gavin. "Everything was going fine then his parents had to fuck it up."

"He seems fine...Relatively?" Gavin says and shrugs.

"Yeah...Sure." Shawn responds.

Jaxon looks down at his phone when he gets a text. He sets the spoon down into the tub of ice cream, his fingers flying across the screen. He shakes his head as he texts back and forth with his mom. He lets out a sigh and sets his phone down, before staring at the TV for a second, setting his ice cream down as well and rushing off to the bathroom.

Shawn notices this and follows him to the bathroom. He knocks on the door twice, putting his ear against the door. "Baby? Everything okay?"

"I'm fine," Jaxon replies from the other side of the door. He takes in a sharp breath and unlocks the door. Shawn looks down at him, frowning. "Hey, what's up?"

"He uhm...He might," Jaxon takes in another sharp breath. He could feel his heart thudding in his chest. "He might be moving back in."

"What?" Shawn asks.

"He...He might," He takes a slow breath. "They've been talking...A-About getting back together." This breath that he takes in doesn't go down right, and his vision begins to become disfigured. He lets out a long sob, and Shawn grabs him in his arms, noticing his breathing being unsteady and fast.

"Hey...Hey. It's okay. Baby. Just concentrate on your breathing," Shawn says softly, "Count to ten with me, okay? One..," He turns around to glance at Gavin. "I need water."

He turns back to Jaxon, "Two...Three, Good job, I'm proud of you...Four...Five...Six...You can do this, baby...Keep counting, Seven...Eight...Nine...Ten."

Jaxon looks up at Shawn, nodding his head and he starts to get his breathing under control. Shawn wipes the tears from Jaxon's face. "Good job. Just follow my breathing," He says. He takes a long breath in, letting it out slowly.

Jaxon copies him, hiccuping breathes out. Shawn nods his head again, "What do you need, baby? Want some water?"

Jaxon nods his head, his breaths staggered. Shawn grabs the glass of water from Gavin, handing it to him. "Here you go, take some sips. Good job."


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