"Take this" she said giving me a small picnic basket I guessed contained the herbs for my aunt. I took the basket from her and she led me to the door and closed it behind me but not before saying "goodbye,my little Nosferatu " . Everything about Mrs Guadalupe was dark and gloomy. I had no idea what a Nosferatu was but I responded with a smile that didn't seem to reach my eyes.

It took me only a couple of minutes to get back home. Great! there was no one at home, I took the key from under the doormat and went in. After dropping the basket in aunt Lopez's room, I prepared onion noodle soup for myself, it was my favourite. After eating I went to the basement and locked myself in.

I wanted to continue training by myself. I illuminated the dark basement with a glow from my hand. I arranged candles on the floor round in a circle and after that I lit each candles and sat in the middle of the circle. I tried to make the flames bent to my will, the first step was to make the flames move in unison with my breathe by moving higher as I breathed in and lower as I breathed out.

I tried but i couldn't, just when I felt like I was running out of air, a mighty wind came into the basement and turned off each candle with a single swoop.

This was getting frustrating, maybe I wasn't meant to wield fire even though aunt Lopez had said our family had been doing it from generations. I stormed out of the basement with no intentions of returning until the next day.

I went to my room and picked up my journal on which I wrote "Tomorrow will make it a month since I turned eighteen, which means I have to attend my first coven meeting tomorrow but I can't let the other witches find out I was having issues wielding fire, they will probably see me as unfit. They all expect me to be the most powerful because I was the child of prophecy just as aunt Lopez had said " I shut my journal and hid it once again in the closet. I had no problems with Janet reading it, it was spelled to look like a boring history textbooks when dormant humans read it but aunt Lopez didn't fall into this category.

I lied faced up on my bed and closed my eyes with the hope of falling asleep, that was when I remembered the words of Mrs Guanalupe "goodbye, my little Nosferatu". Perhaps I could find the meaning but not now, right now I had to sleep.

It was already past 7pm and they still hadn't come home. After what felt like minutes of trying to fall asleep , I turned to the side of the bed and opened my eyes. I still couldn't understand why it was so hard for me to wield fire.
Wielding wind was more natural to me and it felt like I had an affinity for wind. Sometimes the wind came rushing towards me when I was sweating or running out of air to breathe, it was like the wind felt I was in need of it and it came running to my aid.

That was when it occurred to me the reason why I couldn't wield or control fire. Funny I couldn't decipher this weird puzzle a long time ago. I gave a gentle laugh that was more like a cackle. I drifted off to sleep without even trying.

I woke up to the sound of banging on the front door, I ran to the door to find Jaden and Janet who claimed to have been knocking for hours when it was just 8pm.
Dad and aunt Lopez on the other hand were still in the car, they seemed to be in the middle of an argument but I couldn't hear anything they were saying, perhaps aunt Lopez had place a spell to prevent eavesdropping.

I noticed Jaden was unusually quiet as he strolled to his room. Janet on the other hand wouldn't shut up about this cute guy who borrowed her note at school. " .... And his eyes were as blue as the Caribbean sea" she said as we both went to our shared bedroom.

All the while I was smiling to myself thinking of the puzzle I had solved and what I was going to do about it.

Lopez's pov:
Good thing I had the car spelled to prevent eavesdropping because this argument was gradually turning into a fight. It would be a shame if the kids heard the way we were yelling at each other right now.

" what is wrong with you? "he yelled at me. ouch!, I was hurt by that but I couldn't let it show, I didn't want him to think I was weak or highly emotional. I just had to make him understand and agree with me one way or another even if it meant yelling back at him or fighting with him.

"You are the one who needs to reason Antonio, can't you see? Telling them will only endanger them. I'm only doing this to keep them safe"

"And by keeping them safe you mean by lying to them? Now Jaden thinks the ghost he saw was only a pigment of his imagination. The boy must think he's a complete freak right now. Thanks to you " he said as he raised his voice even louder.

"There are too many dangers in the world of magic. What you don't know will never hunt you .Trust me, I only have their safety in mind" I said in a low tone to at least placate his anger. This yelling has left me almost crying.

"That's not true!, the only reason you don't want to tell them is so that they won't start seeing you as a freak. You know you've always being ashamed of being a witch. So how you just tell them the truth and stop being selfish "he slammed his fist against the car navigator in anger and the car gave a loud horn that made me flinch.

This was becoming too much, I couldn't stand the insults any longer. He indirectly called me a liar and on top of that he called me selfish.

I couldn't hold the tears any longer but I couldn't cry in front of him, I didn't want him to see me as hyper emotional. So I ran out of the car and slammed the door shut behind me. I ran straight to our bedroom upstairs.

I threw myself on the bed and cried on a pillow. Shortly after, I heard a knock on the door , I knew it was him and so I yelled "go away! " even though what I actually wanted was for him to come in and comfort me telling me he was sorry for insulting me and that he was beginning to see the sense in what I said about not telling the kids.

I heard him as he paddled down the stairs and he went to the living room where he slumped on a couch. The distant squeak of the couch was an evidence of that.

I continued to cry as his words were replaying in my head. "that's not true!... " , "...tell them and stop being selfish".

After what felt like nearly an hour of crying, my head began to hurt and I couldn't even remember my exact reason for crying. Was it because Antonio had insulted me? Or was it because he didn't comfort me?

I've got a major exam coming up and as a result I'm only going to be updating every Wednesday and friday.

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