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Scott smiled as he packed everything that belongs to him in a white duffle bag he was given. It felt nice to be in his own clothes again. The last thing in his bag was his sketchbook, it was almost full by now.

As he stood there packing, Mitch walked up to he door way and knocked, making the blonde jump. "Sorry. How are you feeling?" He asked kindly. "Good. Happy." Scott smiled. Mitch nodded and sighed, "So, here's the thing. When your parents signed you in, they signed over custody so we would be responsible. Now that you're eighteen in a few days," Mitch began. Scott shook his head, "They aren't coming to get me, are they?" He asked sadly. "They don't want custody of you. I'm sorry." He said softly. "So I just stay here until I'm eighteen and live on the streets?" Scott asked sadly. "Well, when you turn eighteen you're legally an adult, meaning you can live anywhere you want. And my house just happens to have a spare room set up for a young adult." Mitch smiled.

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