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After about an hour of drawing with Kirstie, Mitch walked into the room. "How are you feeling?" Mitch asked as he knelt in front of the teenager. Scott shrugged as he continued to draw with tears filling his eyes.

Mitch looked down at his sketchbook to see a very realistic drawing of three heads, each with a name underneath it. "Who are they, Scott?" Mitch asked softly. Scott shrugged and snuffled as he continued to sketch with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Kirstie, I got it for now, how about you go take a break?" Mitch offered. Kirstie nodded and walked away as Mitch sat down next to Scott, letting the teenager curl into his side as he continued to sketch. "You keep leaving me." Scott mumbled sadly.

Mitch sighed and rubbed Scott's back for a moment, "I know, but I have other things to do, Scott." He said softly. Scott nodded slowly, "Have you heard from my parents yet? They won't come see me." He mumbled. "It's only been a few days, I'm sure they'll turn up." Mitch smiled.

Scott nodded once again, "Can we go to the day room now?" He asked softly. Mitch sighed and shook his head, "Not today. Not after we had to hold you down yesterday. Maybe if you do good until tomorrow afternoon we can have Kevin sit with you in the day room." Mitch offered.

"That's not fair." Scott whined as he looked away from Mitch. "We had to strap your wrists and ankles to the bed because you were hitting and kicking every nurse or doctor that tried to help you, Scott. I'm sorry, but my mind is made up, and you won't be going to the day room until further notice." Mitch argued.

Scott moved away from Mitch and looked away angrily. "I know it doesn't seem fair, but this is best for you, Scott. Clear your head and think everything over." Mitch said softly. "I don't need to clear my head, it's already clear." Scott whined.

"I'm not changing my mind. Now, Kevin will be here in a few minutes for therapy, and I will be telling him no day room until further notice." Mitch said as he stood up. Even though he stood, Mitch stayed there for a moment and looked at Scott, who looked very, very upset with the new rule.


Kevin sat down in a chair next to Scott's bed, crossing one leg over the other as he set a file on it. In the file was all of Scott's information and documents.

"So, I see they put you on anti-depressants and a few other medications." Kevin announced. Scott just shrugged and looked away sadly, "I guess." He mumbled. Kevin nodded and looked up at the teenager, "How do you feel right now?" He asked. Scott shrugged, not wanting to talk anymore.

"Okay, how well do you sleep, Scott?" Kevin asked. Scott looked down at his lap and sighed, "They don't let me sleep very long. If at all." He mumbled sadly. Kevin wrote what Scott said down and looked up at the patient, "Have you ever thought about self-harm?" He asked. Scott hugged his stomach and shook his head silently.

Kevin squinted at his actions, "Scott, can I see your forearms?" He asked kindly. Scott shook his head silently. "Why not?" Kevin asked. Scott still didn't speak up, he just starred at Kevin silently. Kevin nodded, "Scott, I need to see your arms." He said again. Scott shook his head and looked away, "No, I- I don't want you to." He mumbled. "Because you self-harm?" Kevin asked. "I never said that." Scott argued.

"Then how about you let me see your forearms?" Kevin asked. Scott just shook his head. "Scott, we can not help you get rid of the voices if you hide things from us." Kevin sighed. "They're gonna hurt me." Scott cried. "They can't hurt you, okay. They should have no control over you." Kevin whispered.

Scott shook his head again, "No." He said quietly as he looked down. Kevin leaned back in his chair and sighed, "You know what, I think that's enough for today. I'll see you in a few hours, Scott. Get some rest until then." Kevin said softly as Scott nodded.

Scott hugged his stomach sadly as he watched Kevin exit the room quietly. He didn't want to deal with anything right now, he just wanted some time alone in his head without mean voices or doctors stabbing him with needles and telling him lies like "it won't hurt". It did hurt, and they know it.

A/N DOUBLE!!! i don't know if I'll update tomorrow, I'm seventeen tomorrow!!!! Whoooo! Maybe my mom will take me deiving after a whole month of hearing "tomorrow" I am sorry, I was going to post tomorrow but then I realised I'd be way too busy. So, I will be back on the 12th with a chapter. Until then my children (that probably sounded creepier than I wanted)💖

Voices *COMPLETED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang