Baby Steps

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Seeing Scott so broken hurt Mitch in ways he didn't understand. He couldn't sleep that night, no matter how hard he tried. He tossed and turned in his bed at home with Scott's fear and pain filled eyes stuck in his memory.

So when Mitch got to work the next morning he went to the cafeteria to see Scott, but he wasn't there. He looked in the day room too, it was  Scott's thinking place, his comfort zone. But he wasn't there either. So Mitch went to his room.

Scott looked like he hasn't slept, he was still crying and hugging himself though. Mitch walked up to him and crouched down by his bed, "Hey, I know you don't want to talk, and I know it feels like your probably drowning under all of the weight, but you're not drowning Scott. I'm here to pull you out and give you CPR. It's your choice to stay or go at this point. Those voices you hear are nothing, they can not hurt you if you don't let them." Mitch whispered as he combed his hand through Scott's hair.

Scott sniffled and looked at Mitch sadly, licking his lips, "I haven't heard them since he-" Scott began, crying when he thought about it. Mitch nodded as Scott kept trying to say it. "Baby steps, okay? I will never let him hurt you again." He promised, smiling when Scott nodded.

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