Silent Treatment

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Scott didn't say a word after what Dr. Kirk did to him. Three days later, Mitch came back and visited him. "Hey, how are you?" Mitch asked with a smile as he entered Scott's room, wondering why the lights were out and the blinds were shut so the room would be pitch black.

"Scott?" Mitch said softly before he heard a sniffle. The second Mitch heard that sound he switched a light in and gasped when he saw Scott. His hair was uncombed and his clothes were messy and slept-in, his face was red and soaked in tears, but he didn't say a word.

Mitch rushed to Scott's side and held him in his arms, "What's wrong? Is it the voices?" He asked worriedly, frowning when Scott shook his head but held onto him like he was keeping him alive. "Bad dream?" Mitch asked, earning another head shake. "Hey, Scotty I know it hurts, but if you tell me I can help." Mitch promised.

Scott shook his head, scared he'd get hurt if he let Mitch find out even a small portion of what Dr. Kirk had done to him.

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