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Mitch walked towards his office to call Scott's parents, until he was stopped by Avi. "I'm going to get lunch, do you want something? Kevin said he'd hold down the fort in the day room with Kirstie." He offered. "Where are you going? Home?" Mitch asked. Avi scoffed, "Like I have that much time. Just going to a burger place." He shrugged. "Then a burger." Mitch shrugged before freezing as Avi left. "Avi!" He called before the other doctor came back in. "Make it two. I'll pay you back." He promised. Avi shook his head in disbelief, "Okay." He sighed.

When Avi got back, Mitch went straight to Scott's room and knocked on the door as he watched Scott doing work with his "substitute" because his last tutor moved for work. "Lunch break." Mitch said as he walked up to them, setting the styrofoam box of food on Scott's books. "I'm not hungry." Scott mumbled. Mitch nodded, "Look, you haven't eaten all week yet. Scott, I told you that you can't contiue to miss meals. Your weight is so low that I'm scared for you." He explained.

Scott shook his head, "I feel fine." He mumbled. "You were sick a few nights ago but you had nothing in your stomach to throw up, Scott. Just eat a little bit for me. It doesn't have to be all of it, but try to eat half, please." Mitch begged.

Scott sighed quietly but nodded quietly. "I'll go get my own lunch. Are you joining us?" Mitch asked Avi as he opened the box for Scott and set it in front of him. "Sure. Do you mind?" Avi asked him kindly. Scott just shook his head quietly and poked at the pile of french fries with his fork, "No." He said quietly.

Mitch sighed, Scott's depression was hitting him hard today, and it was obvious. He was run down and tired, he hasn't smiled once, and he barely says anything because "the voices told him not to talk". Mitch needed to find a way to help, he didn't want to see Scott hurting anymore.

He knew the way he felt about the blonde was unprofessional, it wasn't the way a doctor should care, it wasn't even the way a parent should care! He cared as if they were close friends or dating.

"So, I'm thinking this weekend we can start a new type of therapy?" Mitch offered. Scott nodded slowly, "Okay." He said softly. "I won't be here for the next few days though, so a Doctor Kirk is going to be working with you as Kevin takes my place as boss in that time. Okay?" Mitch offered. Scott just nodded slowly.

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