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After watching his parents leave, Scott was taken to a bathroom, where he showered and got dressed in white pants with a matching shirt. Around his wrist was a red, plastic braclet that was loose around his wrist and just there to show all the nurses he was a new patient.

Once he was changed, he was taken to his own room that he'd have alone. He was too scared and shy to share a room, so Dr. Grassi (the same doctor that admitted him) let him have his own room to be comfortable. Scott curled up on the bed he was given and looked out the window quietly, looking at the garden outside.

It wasn't long until someone was knocking on his door that he looked away from the window. Mitch smiled as he entered the room, "How are you feeling?" He asked softly. Scott shrugged quietly, "It's cold in here." He mumbled. "I'll see about turning the heat up a little. You're parents told me you get headaches a lot, is that from the voices you hear?" Mitch asked as he slowly stepped closer to Scott, who curled up even more. "They keep yelling at me." Scott mumbled sadly as he looked away from Mitch.

Mitch nodded, "What do you like to do, Scott?" He asked as he grabbed a chair that was at the desk in Scott's room. Mitch had arranged for a tutor to come by Monday through Friday to teach Scott so when he got out he'd still have an education. Scott shrugged shyly, "I like to draw, but I stopped." He mumbled. "Why is that?" Mitch asked as he sat in the chair that was placed at the desk. "They said I was bad at it." Scott mumbled.

"Do you think Van Gough stopped because people thought his work was bad?" Mitch asked with a smile. "W-well, no." Scott shrugged timidly. "Then why should you? If you enjoy drawing, don't give it up. Especially don't give it up if the only reason is because they bully you." Mitch said kindly. Scott nodded, "I don't have anything to draw with." He mumbled. "I'll bring some stuff in tomorrow for you, how does that sound?" Mitch asked as he stood and put the chair back. "Thank you, Doctor Grassi." Scott said as he looked down at his hands. "Now, get some rest, tomorrow we will do single therapy, then we'll teach you how to do school, then we'll do group therapy." Mitch smiled. "Thank you." Scott said kindly before Mitch left.

Mitch smiled as he walked away from the new patients room, he enjoyed being around the timid boy already. Mitch has been doing this job for four years now, before that while he was in college he was also doing extra credit classes here and finished extremely early with a doctorates at a very young age.

Mitch, now twenty-four, was content with his job and has a stable life. Of course, he just broke up with his boyfriend of three years a few weeks ago. Mitch never really understood why they broke up, but they were drifting apart so it didn't really hurt either of them when they ended. His boyfriend just packed up and left with a simple goodbye.

Now Mitch has a hairless cat named Wyatt, and a little old neighbour that likes to talk trash about other neighbours with him. They'd sit on the steps of the pourch at Mitch's house and talk about the recent affairs and rumors, and Mitch really enjoyed it.

Mitch enjoyed the way his life was a lot. He didn't know how it could possibly get better, yet.

Voices *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now