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Quiet, oh so quiet. No but seriously where was the noise, you know the normal ones you hear when you're alone like your breathing and heartbeat? Vio groaned sitting down on the floor of wherever this was. Desperately wishing that Farore had had just a bit longer to speak with him and explain why it mattered so much.

"Sweet merciful Hylia....Where the hell are you when we actually need your help you twat...?" He groaned placing his head in his hands. A lingering pain he could tell was from his physical body coursing through him.

After what seemed like an eternity or so Vio rose up walking yet again. Walking, quiet, ugh. This unnatural quiet left him alone with his thoughts, and that was something he never wanted. It always led back to one thing alone.


With only the memory of the rage, hurt and anguish upon Shadow's face then caused him to freeze in place. Shaking his head he was trying whatever he could to simply block it out. Before trying to move again....nothing, no movement whatsoever. Frozen still by those echoing voices.

"Worthless brat, I was suspicious the entire time, and now here's the proof. It's a pity that from the start our trust meant nothing to you."

"Why did I ever think you really cared !?"

"I'm your superior Violet, you are to listen and do as I say!"

"Just convince 'em he's dead. They're both idiots they'll believe ya."

Crouching down Vio curled into a ball covering his ears, desperately trying to make it stop. Stop...Make it stop!!!! By this point he'd began trembling. Why now? This wasn't the time or place to be having a panic attack. Nor to be hearing that person's voice, whose owner was supposedly dead. However those goddesses awful memories engraved into his mind played like a broken record, ensuring that he never forgot about who he let down and hurt most. He could have just stayed there with him and other things like blowing up random things where they were it was actually quite entertaining....But no he had made the choice to attempt at breaking that thing the same day it had been shown to him. If it hadn't been for that imp Tingle showing up at just the right moment when he hesitated, Shadow would probably hate him more than he does. Granted in a way he was relieved as it meant that he would just simply be seen through entirely, no more lies.


"Impudent brat. I told you none of them are to be trusted, have you forgotten their goal!?" Vio could only wince at the sound of skin on skin.

A small growl followed by brief silence.

"But Lord Vaati he's willin' to betray all of them to help us! Just give him a chance please!"

" useless copy am I sensing that you are gaining a soft spot for the enemy? " Vaati's voice was cold and held a noticeable accent as he spoke. "If so I shall be needing to remind you your place." Both him and Shadow walked around the corner of the area where Shadow had left him before.

And as a way to convince the grape as Shadow had called him on the way over that he was trustworthy, Vio kept his head down remaining silent. The tiles of the stone floor on which he was sitting were cold to the touch and covered with moss and dirt. Still keeping his head lowered he mentally smirked at the thought of what Blue would try to do in this situation, the fool.

Once Vaati had gotten a better look at Vio he let out a gasps saying in garbled Hylian, " You never said that it was the intellectual one! Having this one side with is lowers their probability of success by more than half!"

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