That looked like...

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" How may I-Oh hi you three!" The young receptionist smiled her bored look quickly fading, " Are you planning to stay the night?"

Smiling Red nodded speaking before the others had a chance to, " if you have rooms available...Your name's Eliza right?"

Blushing slightly she nodded, " Y-yes it is, so how many rooms would you like?"

Glancing at Vio Green took his chance to speak, " uhm...two if possible"

Nodding again Eliza ducked down rummaging through a draw grabbing two room keys, " Here we're mostly empty right now anyways since it an off season for us"

Red smiled taking the keys placing the standard fee in their place, " Thanks Eliza!"

After that the three headed to the room Green and Blue'd be sleeping. Sitting on the bed Green began to explain to them how they could get in the castle from both sides if the gate guards wouldn't let them in.

"If we have to use this plan avoid going there, there or there," Green pointed to several places on a crudely drawn map of the castle he'd made with small X's marking guard placements, "Also there's a hidden grotto here so if you fall in it's your own fault-"

"Wait there's a hidden grotto in front of the castle!" Blue interrupted Green shouting in surprise.

"Blue be quiet!" Red looked over towards the room where Vio was currently sleeping worried that , "It's not even that surprising."


"Anyways like I was saying this is only a secondary measure for if they won't let us inside," Rolling up his Map so to speak Green smiled at the other two boys, "Let's get some sleep 'nd finish this in the morning."

Red nodded yawning as he did already heading for his and Vio's room, "Okay night you two!"

"G' night"

Carefully checking Vio who was in the spare bed in the room they'd be sharing Red sighed, Green really did know how to get in the castle from all sides. Grabbing his picto box Red snapped a picture of Vio smiling to himself knowing that as long as it wasn't found there would always be proof that this actually happened.

"Maybe Green's right" Red looked out the window towards the moon slowly climbing it's way into the sky, "She might be the only one who even has an idea of how to help you" Quietly as he could Red slipped off his tunic glancing into the mirror hanging on the wall. Wait what was that? Something had briefly flashed across the surface of the mirror, blinking he slowly walked over to it.

"I coulda swore I saw Shadow just now." He mumbled lightly placing his hand on the cool glass surface, eventually brushing it off as a trick of the light heading for bed.


"Red we can't take him there while he's still sleeping! He'll flip out when 'e wakes up!" Though it was early three of four Links' sat awake in Red and Vio's room almost ready to go save for one small detail, Vio wasn't up yet. Blue of course had chosen to hound on Red about it rather than handling the issue like anyone else would.

" But Blue why can't we just wake him up when we get there? This is the most sleep I've seen him get in months!" Glancing at the small sleeping boy Red sighed. The thought what he'd seen in the mirror the night before still lingering on his mind. Had it been a trick of the light, or had he really seen Shadow? Suddenly Red felt a sharp pain as Blue pulled on his ear, " Oww! I'm listening! I'm listening I swear!"

Blue sighed releasing the other boy's ear face still lined by his scowl, " Now's not the time for spacin' out Red, this is more important to whatever you were thinking about.." Blue face quickly became soft as Red sighed sadly and nodded.

As Blue was still stuck in his moment of shock Green took action on the usually cheerful Link's strange behavior, "Everything okay Red?"

The crimson clad boy began to shake his head before nodding, " Everything's fine I just....Let's just go to the castle."

Blue and Green shared a knowing glance something was obviously bothering Red. Placing a hand on Vio's shoulder Green shook him lightly, "Vi it's time to get up"

"I dun wanna" came a muffled reply.

"Vio please?" Red kneeled down beside the other boy carefully folding the blanket back. Vio peeked up a Red's face from his hiding place, "...Okay" slowly he climbed out of the bed.

One ready to go the four headed for the castle, and Vio once again was hidden beneath the cloak. Luckily enough (in their opinion anyways) it was still early enough that most people were still home in bed. They walked in almost complete silence saying very little to one another, until they approached the castle gate.

"Who goes there?" A familiar guard's voiced boomed.

Glancing at the others Green called back," It's three of the Link's and a guest, we're her to visit Zel-.. Pr-Princess Zelda"

Blue snickered quietly as Green slipped up his ears tinting themselves pink, the gate lifting up allowing them into the castle. Walking together the four headed calmly into the castle, Red waving cheerily to the various staff members as they made their way to the throne room. From outside they could hear Zelda talking loudly in an irate voice.

"I don't care about that! Why can't we just give them what they need? They're a part of Hyrule to whether most people agree with it or not," There was a slight shuffling of feet and a muffled reply before she continued, "So what if they did that in the past, it doesn't mean that it'll happen again. Yes, I know that Ganon was, but that was a very long time ago during the era of the Hero of Time.. What does it matter if he would've- Potho please we both know I'm aware of that. But I'm sure that he'd refuse to come, especially after what I said to him."

It was then that Green chose to knock upon the double Mahogany doors feeling as if though they shouldn't be listening to her private conversation with minister Potho, "Princess are you in at the moment?"

The doors quickly burst open as Zelda all to happily launched herself onto him, "Green! You didn't say you were coming for a visit today!"

Sharing a glance Blue and Red smiled same Zelda as ever. Vio on the other hand had hidden himself behind Blue once he'd seen her, just barely visible to them was a puzzled look upon his face. Did he not recognize her, or was it because of that incident?

"Well the decision was kinda a sudden one." He laughed awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

Lowering her gaze Zelda quietly asked, "Is Vio still?"

Green half-heartedly shrugged, " Actually that's the reason why we're here"

It was then that Zelda saw the other two and the smaller boy hiding behind them his eyes all an to familiar shade of dulled blue-gray. Placing a gloved hand to her mouth she said, " oh goddesses! what happened to him?"

Magic of the MirrorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ