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Smiling to himself Shadow shook his head, he wasn’t Shawne not anymore. That person had gone away when he became Shadow and that was okay with him. As for his apparent brother Dark whoever he was would be long gone by now. Leaning his head back on the cave wall he sighed, that had been a lot to take in. Closing his eyes he just allowed the tears to roll down his cheeks.

Curious Ravio looked over to his friend maybe the other boy had remembered something. “Find anything n-new this time?”

“Yeah…” Shadow’s voice came out raspy and quiet, “ Found out m’ real name ‘nd that I have a douche bag brother who killed our dad.”

“Oh sorry ab-about your dad….So what’s your ac-actual name Shads?”

“Shawne…” He mumbled, “But it feels weird since I’ve been goin’ by Shadow fer so long now.”

Ravio tilted his head, “Shawne….? I think I’ve ac-actually heard that name be-before from a mes-messenger two or three year-years ago...They said that a ki-kid named Sh-Shawne was the only survivor from a ho-house fire, was it you-you?”

Shadow opened his eyes gazing solemnly at the stalagmites scattered on the ceiling and laughed, “ Yeah unfortunately I think it was….From what I remembered Dark my brother was the one who set the fire, I think he was tryin’ to erase us ‘cept for him…..From what I could remember my mom was……” He placed his head in a hand closing his eyes again trying to shut it out, “She was trapped under a piece of fallen wood in the house when it was burning, I was trying to help her but in the end she didn’t make it. Apparently died right in fronta me...I wanted to know more, but I guess thats just what I get….heh...Shawne  “Shadow” Link Erdgard the one who’s always losin’ everyone I actually care about, guess it was happenin’ even before I was taken to the light world.” He laughed weakly knowing it was true everyone at one point had been lost to him even the two friends with him now. One by a false betrayal of trust and the other by the same for a time.

After he spoke Vio mumbled something quietly in his sleep catching the shade’s attention. Compared to before the blonde looked at peace something he hadn’t seen since that first night before he experienced the same as him, the senseless treatment that Vaati gave to anyone he thought of as less than him….If only I hadn’t told Vaati about him then maybe he could still be able to sleep like this all the time...Shadow frowned that was right Vio was this way all because of him. Sighing he looked away from the other, there was no changing that now what was done is done.

That’s just how it worked.

Lifting one of his arms he did something that he didn’t often allow to happen, as the sleeve of his shirt rolled down he looked at the lines and lines of scars that he’d made himself on both arms while working under them. If it weren’t for Vio’s support back then there was no telling if he’d still be doing that or not. Shadow could still remember the other’s reaction clear as day;

It had been about a week or two since Shadow’d brought Vio to the Fire Temple with him. In those seemingly few days he’d learned a lot about the violet clad Link, more so than he ever could using the mirror.

Vio had thought of the others just as three nuisances that he happened to share a face with that was the truth, and he had the best smile out of them in Shadow’s opinion. Before he’d come to this side of the battle he’d not seen him smile very often, but when he did there was something deep inside that made him want to see it more.

“Shadow...” Vio sat up looking towards him, “Everything okay? You’re being kinda quiet tonight…”

He flinched dropping the small blade onto the floor making a small sound as the dagger contacted the stone. Hoping the other didn’t hear it he replied, “Y-yeah everythin’s fine Vi...I was just thinkin’ about stuff.”

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