Desperate times call for desperate measures

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Continuing to wander through the forest Vio saw many things he'd never seen but knew the names of. Strange as it was he found it entertaining to try pronouncing them.

"N-nee-ttle," Vio curiously titled his head at the flowering plant called a nettle, wanting to know the texture of the plant he touched it. That was a very, very bad idea on his part, almost immediately after his skin made contact with the plant there was a sharp stinging pain. "Ouch!" quickly Vio pulled his hand away from the plant, "okay so those shouldn't be touched by bare skin...." Rubbing at his hand he walked away from what he was now calling Stinging Nettle.

Not long after leaving the plant he passed by a river, only to realize a few minutes later that the water could help with the pain. Quickly Vio ran back to it being sure to scan the area for monsters. Placing his hands in the cool flowing water Vio immediately felt relief.

Within the water he could see a pair of eyes staring up at him, was it a frog....? No, somehow he knew that it wasn't a frog it was a, "Leech frog...? But leeches don't have eyes"

Tilting his head Vio stared back at what he somehow knew was called a leech frog. Would it bite him if he touched it? But it might not be a good idea as the last thing he'd touched here did something strange. "Wait a minute...Does it have legs?" Holding onto the river bank Vio leaned over the water to get a closer look.

Unfortunately he wasn't holding tight enough as it didn't take long for him to fall in. Surfacing as he spat out water Vio sputtered, "Shit!" Carefully climbing out of the water Vio looked back at the water to see that the leech was on his boot....but it did have legs.

Vio stared into it's eyes somehow it reminded him of the eyeball frogs in Zora's Domain. Staring back at him the leech tilted what could be called a head, standing Vio noticed that it stayed attached to his boot. Leaning down he carefully pulled it off throwing it back into the water. Surprisingly it wasn't wet or slimy the leech was fuzzy.

"Huh.....that's kinda weird," Vio chuckled, " Oh well I'm just lucky that it's not any of the extremely cold solstices, otherwise I'd probably end up sick." Acting as if it were nothing he returned to the path he'd been following before. Unfortunately enough the stinging nettle plants lined it twisting and turning over one another, no matter how he tried avoiding them the plants found one way or another to make contact with his skin. After thinking about it he came to the conclusion they might be living like Deku Baba are.

By the time Vio finally reached a clearing his hands were burning, within the open space he could see some all to familiar monsters instinctively reaching for his sword. His grasping hand met with nothing, he'd entirely forgotten that his sword wasn't with him as before this he'd been at home, wherever it was now he didn't know. "Crap....."He mumbled searching around the area for anything he could use as a potential weapon warily watching the monsters from the corner of his eye, "Of all times not to have it why now!"

Spotting a curved stick, a elastic looking vine and some sharpened rocks Vio got an idea that could potentially work, if it worked he could get across, and if it didn't he was a dead Link. Quickly grabbing the stick and vine Vio began to work on a make-shift bow, he of course knew how to make an actual one with the proper supplies but they were always shoddy quality. Carefully he crafted the small rocks into arrowheads placing them on smaller sticks (that are straight) making arrows to shoot.

"Okay that goes there....and this needs to curve more here...." Vio muttered quietly as he worked, "There we go!" examining his bow and arrows he'd made Vio could only hope that it wasn't like the last time he tried making one. Grabbing an arrow he took aim at his target carefully pulling the vine back before firing. The arrow sailed through the air before falling a few meters short of it's intended target, thanks the goddesses though for they hadn't noticed it. Drawing another arrow he aimed at a different target, this one was mobile. This time the arrow sailed right over the head of his target hitting something or rather someone.

"Ow! Who the hell's shootin' arrows!" a rather familiar voice growled out.

Quickly hiding himself in a tree Vio whispered, " That sounds like Shadows" from his perch he watched a bokoblin point someone in a rather familiar cloak towards where he'd been previously.

Vio winced as the cloaked figure slapped it across the back of its head, "There's nothin' there dumbass!" The cloaked figure then stormed off towards the trees on the other side of the clearing, as he did Vio caught a small glimpse of violet hair. Putting two and two together he climbed out of the tree as quietly as he could manage, so as to not reveal himself yet anyways. Following the trees that lined the clearing Vio hoped to see if his assumptions were correct.

If that person really was Shadow that would mean he wasn't in Hyrule, it would mean he was in the Dark World, and despite that being a bad thing Vio still hoped it to be true. Stopping close by in the shade of the trees as the figure removed the cloak as the sighed muttering to themself. There standing mere meters in front of him was Shadow in the flesh or whatever ridiculous thing he like calling it.

"Shad-hf!" Vio had to quickly call out the name of his close friend whom he'd desperately wanted to see for months, but now wasn't the time for startling him.

Shadow evidently had heard him as he was quickly looking around panic stricken, "Who's there?!" Quickly hiding himself behind a tree Vio could only wonder how he'd react, " 's no use hidin' I can sense yer there...." Shadow growled menacingly.

He began to peek out from his hiding place but quickly moved back starting to panic, " no no no no, what do I do...what do I do...? what should I say?" Pressing his palms firmly against the rough bark of the tree so he could support his violently shaking legs. If this really was Shadow and not an illusion that would mean he wasn't dead as Blue had been trying to convince him for the past few months. Closing his eyes Vio took a deep breath trying his best to calm down he could handle this, at least he thought he could.

"Hey," Shadow literally appearing from nowhere caused Vio to fall to the ground startled, "Oh my Gods your face! Pfftthahahaha!"

Angrily looking away from him Vio crossed his arms holding them close to his chest, wait why was he shaking....? Soon after he felt a warm hand pressed lightly on his shoulder, talon like black nails visible through his peripheral vision, "Huh....?" lifting his head he saw Shadow kneeling down by him, out of nowhere warm tears began gliding down his cheeks.

Smiling softly Shadow asked, "Sorry, did I scare ya little guy?" Unable to form words with as many thoughts running in his head as there were Vio hugged Shadow in response, the of course startled the violet haired boy, "Wha-? Hey there so-somethin' wrong....?"

Trying the best he could to form word Vio mumbled pressing his face into the rough fabric of Shadow's tunic, "Shadow....I'm so glad t' see....that you're he's been trying to....." he continued to hold the fabric tightly fearing that he might vanish then and there.

"....D' I know you? 'Cause if I recall I never told ya m' name," Shadow raised an eyebrow pulling back from the hug looking rather perplexed.

Vio's tear streaked face showed concern as he faced Shadow, "What do you mean by ' Do I know you '? Do you not recognize me Shadow...." Shadow shook his head,"....What about what we did in the Fire Temple do you remember what we had planned before I.....the mirror with th' hammer...." Vio's voice faded as he saw no change in Shadow's expression and he went on to the mirror , the damned mirror he at least had to know about that didn't he?

Standing up Shadow tilted his head suspiciously but his voice was shaking, "...The only 'ne who knows about that is, but Vi's not as small as you. And if he hasn't been able to figure anything out by now from what the crossers tell me he never will...."

Vio raised an eyebrow he was in no way small, what did he even mean by that anyways, " And just what do you mean by that! The 'crossers' as you called them were wrong because I am Vio!"

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