39- two simple words.

En başından başla

He gave a tug to my hand making me stumble on my feet and loose my balance and fell on him, chest to chest. I hurried to get up from the uncomfortable position but before I can do that he wrapped his hand around my waist, pasting me to him.

"Onika.." he said in a husky voice. His breath directly fanning on my face. Even his breath is smelling like alcohol.

Then the most unexpected thing happened...he gave me a full blown smile...like that of a carefree child. Grinning from ear to ear.

"It's a dream, isn't it? You in my arms. Like a dream..."he trailed off as if in a daze, talking to himself.

Then suddenly he inched his face towards me so that our nose were nearly touching. I put both my hands on this chest to put some space between us.

My right palm lying just above his heart...I could feel his heart, beating erratically beneath it.

His smile fell and his face suddenly turned serious. He looked lost deep in thoughts.

"I regret what I did...more than anything or anyone. I so casually asked for a chance...a chance, just two simple words....but hardest thing to earn, now I realise..." He closed his eyes for a few seconds then continued speaking...his voice getting down an octave with ever word he speaks..as if ever word is costing him too much.

"How I want that one day I wake up to a morning knowing that it was all just a nightmare and right now you in my arms is not any dream but reality..our reality...." His voice trailed off to end in barely a whisper.

A lone tear slipped from the side of his eyes, not going unnoticed by me.

I can feel my heart sink in my ribcage and guilt rise in me like a storm.

"I want you to wake up in my arms every day...I want the first thing I lay my eyes on to be you and only you...." he paused for a moment to catch his ragged breathing. "You know what I can do to see that happening?" He asked.

And I shook my head vigorously in negetive. I couldn't speak a word my heart was literally struck in my throat blocking my phonation capability.

I don't want to know....please, just stop this Agustin. Stop killing me like this.

He chuckled and replied anyways." Anything...." He says,

I looked at him with disappointed and agony. This anything is anything that suits you Agustin, we both know that. I just don't want to go through the same conversation again and again...

" I remember once you said.. you wish I never layed my eyes on you..."he gave me a sad smile and continued "while you are the only thing my eyes search for..... the day I laid my eyes on you was the best day of my life..I can trade my soul to bring that day back again and start fresh with you...."

"Bringing back that day won't change anything Agustin...it was not the circumstances that separated us..it was you. Circumstances can always be created..if not this then something else....what is needed to make a relationship stable is love, trust and respect. No matter how many times you start fresh if you don't have those for you partner..it will always end in the same disaster." I tried to make him understand.

He let out a defeated sigh " People can change Onika. I learned from my mistake.. I won't repeat them again....I know I did an unforgivable mistake....but I love you to pieces....."

I also don't want to repeat my mistake again, Agustin. I also loved you to pieces..and braking me into pieces is what you did.

"I know, I am the reason behind your pain, behind your tears.....I..I.. feel....so so helpless when I see you in tears..they Peirce right through my heart....I know you don't believe me....and I have done nothing to earn your trust, absolutely nothing.." he paused for a moment.

Looking directly into my eyes he said." I want you to stop hurting...I have caused you enough pain.... I can't see you like this...so..so I have deci..." Before he can complete his sentence he passed out.

I know he is not going to remember any of this in the morning.

Agustin's pov...

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I opened my eyes slowly and my eyes fell on the aspirin tablets beside the lamp. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Maybe the maids kept it there.

I have never seen them this thoughtful before, not that I am complaining....I am really grateful for it. I need them more than anything right now. Other than Onika! My subconscious snapped at me and I just rolled my eyes..yeah other than her. Oh god I guess it's still the alcohol speaking.

I went to the washroom to freshen up. I am a complete mess right now. I turned on the shower and let the cold water hit me and tried to recall what happened last night.

I couldn't remember anything clearly. I just remember laying in some pub and taking the most difficult decision of my life of letting Onika go and then passing out..I can't remember a thing that happened after that...I have no damn idea how I reached here. Then there are some flashes of Onika's worried face but I am very much sure I must have imagined it.

When should I tell her? Should I tell her tonight itself....that she is free to go? How I want to delay it..like for forever.... but I know that will just increase the pain for both of us. Anyways whether I do it today or after two years it is gonna leave me devastated there is no other way round so there is no use in increasing her miseries as well in an attempt to avoid the inevitable. It's better that I do it sooner than later at least she won't have to suffer then.

So tonight it is.

With that thought I got out of the shower and got dressed in my daily office clothes. I am already running late so I hurried towards the car.

Before I can get in and drive off, I saw Onika running towards me in full speed.

"Wait!" She shouted, then took some time to catch her breath.

Then what she said next made me doubt that whether I am awake or still dreaming.

"You going to office, right? Can you drop me as well? Am getting late and my boss is not a big fan of late comers."

I looked around to confirm that she is talking to me. But there was no one around there other than her and myself. I pinched myself to make sure I am not dreaming.

"So it's a yes or no?" She asked impatiently.

"Ye...yes..I ...I don't see why not." I somehow managed to say keeping my shocked self at a bay.

And the next thing I know is, she is already sitting in the car.

What the fuck is happening over here?


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Until next.

Grieving Hearts [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin