Christmas Special: Thank Chaos For Mistletoe

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Merry Christmas Everyone!Here Is A Small Piece Of Writing To Celebrate This Very Special Day, Well, Unless You're Reading This When It's Not A Special Occassion....

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3rd Person POV


A very special day of the year for most.Decorations are put up.The Christmas tree will be decorated with colorful ornaments, stockings will be placed above the fireplace and wreaths will be hung.

And, of course, there are the presents.

  Gifts wrapped in colorful wrapping paper placed under the Christmas tree, with the receiver's name on it.Oh, the joy when you find a present with your name on it.

  Families gather to celebrate together, gifts are given out.

  But that was Earth.


3rd Person POV, 3 years ago

  Íroas woke up even more excited than usual.

  He glanced at the clock beside his bed.

  Monday, 25th December

  There were three words repeating themselves again and again like a mantra in his head.

  It is Christmas

  A small smile wormed its way onto his face as he remembered the previous Christmases.From all the snowball fights, to the decorations, to the exchange of presents.

  Íroas remembered on that same day, nine years ago, when he was still a mere soldier in the army.When he didn't think any traditions and holidays on Planet Earth would be practiced or celebrated by Chaos' army, which consisted of soldiers who had not even stepped a foot on Planet Earth.

  So imagine his shock when he found the hallways and throne room filled with red and green decorations and a huge Christmas tree, decorated with fairy lights and many ornaments, set up in the throne room.

  Turns out the army celebrates all of the celebrations on Planet Earth.From Chinese New Year, to La Tomatina, to Dia de los Muertos, to Gay Pride Parade, to Holi, and many more.

  Every year, when it was the winter season, Chaos would make the entire planet snow.The presence of snow resulted in the creation of the annual snowball fight competition, of which the sector Íroas was in always came in first.

  When Íroas rose to the position of one of the commanders, he met Kronos and found out that the Titans weren't actually evil.They were controlled by Order to do those cruel things.

  And as Íroas spent more time with Kronos, he developed a tiny crush on him.

  Íroas liked Kronos.But he's worried that if he admits his crush to Kronos, Kronos wouldn't like him back and, not only will it be really awkward, their friendship will also fall apart.

  And he didn't want that.

  So Íroas could only brood from afar. He tried, tried his very best to get over the crush, but every time he observed  Kronos train, with beads of perspiration trailing down his bare torso, his small crush just intensified. Kronos made him feel felt like a love-sick teenager at his first crush again.

  Little did he know what was planned


The throne room looked like Christmas had thrown up all over it.It was decorated with silver and blue-colored silk draped from the ceiling.A massive Christmas tree decorated with fairy lights, as well as blue and silver ornaments, was in the middle of the room, a silver star twinkled from its position on top of the magnificent specimen.

  Inaudible words and laughter could be heard throughout the entire room.The thousands of soldiers from different sectors were mixing and milling about.

  The commanders and Kronos were in a corner, talking among themselves.Íroas was listening to Luke rant about something about his latest mission, but Íroas wasn't really listening.He was observing Kronos as he let out a laugh after listening to what Sam said.

  Suddenly, someone shoved him from behind.Íroas stumbled forward, just to bump into someone before he regained his footing.

  "S-", The words got stuck in his throat as Íroas lifted his head to see who he bumped into.Golden eyes looked back at his.

"What.." Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, Íroas whirled around to see all the commanders and lieutenants standing in a circle around them.All of them had wicked smirks on their faces as they looked at the pair and something above their heads.Íroas had a confused frown on his face before he looked up.His eyes widened in realization and his mouth formed an 'o'.Kronos saw Íroas' expression and  followed in suite.His reaction was similar to the commander opposite him.

  Above them hung a wreath of mistletoe.

When that message fully sank in, Íroas blushed fifty shades of red.He adverted his eyes to the side, with only one thought in his mind.

I am so going to kill the others

  Íroas heard Kronos breathed in deeply before grabbing Íroas face and slowly bringing it closer.He kept eye-contact with Íroas, making sure the commander knew what was going on. Íroas didn't back out. He just leaned in too until they finally kissed.

  Íroas could faintly make out the sound of wolf whistles and people cheering, but the only thing he could focus on was Kronos.His tanned arms, tightly wrapped around Íroas' waist in what was obvious possessiveness, while Íroas was practically melting into the touch.

  "Will you be my boyfriend?" Kronos asked, looking at Íroas hopefully as they finally parted for oxygen

  Íroas pulled him into another passionate kiss before answering,



851 Words
Published: 25/12/17

Fun Fact: I Haven't Really Started On The Next Chapter So I Might Postpone The Date I'm Publishing The Next Chapter.

The Hero's Return (A Percy Jackson fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora