Seeing how uncomfortable I seemed with this whole thing, Vic took one of my hands (which caused an electric shock to vibrate throughout my body) and led me away from the smoking boys.

"Come on, let's find something to do. There was a toy shop up on the second floor, there might be some interesting stuff there," he offered and I nodded, willing to agree with anything he said as long as he kept holding my hand. We walked up the unmoving escalator and made our way to the toy store. No one had been inside before, so we had to put a little more effort than usual into entering, but we managed to do it and shined our torches inside, scanning the mostly abandoned area.

"Nerf guns!" Vic gasped excitedly and raced over to a half-opened crate which stood against a wall. I slowly followed him inside, being caught off guard when a large, colourful, plastic gun was chucked in my direction and I nearly dropped my torch in order to catch it. Luckily, it was not heavy at all, so I was able to keep my balance.

I placed my torch on the floor in one corner, illuminating the room, and Vic did so in the opposite one. There were still many tall shelves, some pushed over, in rows around the room, casting sinister shadows across the ground.

It was clear that Vic was up for a little game as soon as I felt something sharply slap against the back of my head, making me yelp in surprise and twist around. There he was, with his gun raised and a mischievous grin plastered on his face, an expression showing that he was ready for more. I sighed but gave in, hoping that this would improve on my melancholic mood and so, before Vic could even react, I was shooting one of the foam bullets directly at his face (I missed, but at least it hit his neck).

I was quick to fire another one, however Vic clumsily dove for cover behind one of the shelves. I could not help but laugh when the boy shrieked and I watched the plain shelf tumble over with a thud, as he had knocked into it. This gave me the opportunity to shoot him a few more times, before concealing myself behind the counter. There was an excitement rushing through me at our little competition, as it was a great distraction from the dreadful truth that we were still doing something illegal.

I slid down to my knees, collecting some of the soft ammo from the ground at my feet, as I heard Vic's footsteps shuffling around.

"I'm coming for you," he sung in an attempt to be menacing, but all it did was make me giggle. Someone like Vic could never be scary - not in the slightest.

Getting into a crouch position, I manoeuvred away from the counter and around the rows of shelves, with my gun up and aimed forward. I could hear Vic's footsteps, but he could not hear mine, so I took this to my advantage and came up behind him, rapidly unloading as many bullets as I could into his back, before running for cover.

I shrieked in laughter, as Vic raced after me and reached to grab my arm, but only made me stumble in the process. My feet skidded when we reached the end of the row of shelves, but I twisted around to face Vic with the intention of shooting him again, only to have the boy run right into me, his face colliding with my chest and knocking us both backwards. I chuckled, as I managed to keep my balance and hold both of us up by wrapping my fingers around Vic's arms.

The shorter boy's laughter was music to my ears, sounding melodic and inspiriting. Now that we were so close, Vic took this opportunity to wrap his arms around my waist, and I did so with his torso too. His hugs were so welcoming and they made me feel warm inside. I rested my head on his shoulder, breathing heavily from all of the running we had done.

"I really like you, Kellin," Vic mused, once again making it feel like we were the only two people there.

My cheeks burned with a red tone, as I pondered that idea. Someone actually liked me, and that someone was none other than Vic. I had no idea what he saw in me. He was fun, adventurous, loud. I was shy, clumsy, quiet. We were polar opposites, with the only thing linking us being a love for music, yet he still somehow found appeal in me. I could not think of a single special thing about myself, but here was Vic with stars in his eyes whenever he even glanced at me.

All of a sudden, a loud noise from the ground floor made Vic and I jump, releasing each other from the embrace. We slowly approached the railing from which we could see down below us, and it showed that the area we had been in before was illuminated by a light which streamed in from the front entrance that had once been locked.

"This is the police. You have unlawfully broken into and entered an off-limits building, so anything you say will be used against you in a court of law, if charges decide to be placed. Come towards me with your hands up - all of you."


I haven't left Wattpad I just joined a cult and started doing fentanyl

Stargazing [BoyXBoy] [UNFINISHED/CANCELLED]Where stories live. Discover now