Chapter 14

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After enjoying a peaceful breakfast with Ross, Arabella excused herself and went to a private study. she needed to be alone when she wrote the letter. The last thing she needed was Ross thinking she wanted to return home.

What did one say to a sister and  parents that now hated her. Pushing the letter aside Arabella started one for her brother Charles instead. She asked of his wife and if the babe had been born yet. little things not once bringing up anything about kate.

Coming back to the letter home it was still blank. What an awful daughter she really was. First stealing her sisters fiancé and now not knowing what to say to her own family.

Taking a few deep breaths Arabella began to write.

My dearest family,

How I miss you all.

how are things? Do you miss me?

I do miss home sometimes and Charles, maybe I shall come visit you all sometime or you all could come here?

How is kate feeling?  is she doing all right.

Please write back soon.

Your daughter


It was short.....very short, but what else was she too say. Half of what she wrote was a lie. She didn't miss them all that much nor did she really wish to see them. They were still her family though.

Arabella sealed the letters and had them sent right away in hopes she would get one in return.

The morning was still young and Ross had gone off to do his business. Which left Arabella alone for the time being. Grabbing a cloke she made her way outside for a little walk.

The land was breath taking and the people were quite nice to her. Children smiled and laughed as she stopped to play with them. There mothers stopped and talked to her.

They were such nice people and they all loved and adored what Ross did for them. He was a caring man. Never let his people go hungry or cold.

Making her way back she stopped off at a barn. A few stray goats walked around nibbling at her dress as she walked by. They were quite cute.

Arabella couldn't help but go further inside the barn. Would anyone mind?

"hello?" She called out making herself known.

No one answered but whispering voices where heard. Arabella couldn't quite make out what they were saying though.

"Hello? I don't mean to intrude I just was making my way around meeting everyone"

A man stepped out of the shadows. He looked dirty more ruff and not in a good way. The way he smiled and looked at Arabella made her cringe with hate. Maybe it would be best just to leave.

Turning to go the man reached over and caught her arm. He held on to her hard and tight, wincing in pain he didn't let go.

"Aye boys look who we have here its the lady of the hour. The one the miss talked about whats ya name...Arabella"

Just hearing his name on his lips made her want to run back to ross. Who was the miss he spoke of? Two more men came from the shadows behind the first man.

"Aye Brodie what do we do with her. The miss said she wanted her alive." One of the men behind spoke up.

Who wanted her alive? Was it the same person who wanted her dead?

"no we have the plan so stick to it" The one they called Brodie spat.

"Listen here lass you best be leaving mackay her soon or else we will come for ya. Don't go telling ye husband nether or that pretty little baby will be dead" Brodie spat at her.

Arabella didn't need to be told twice she would keep her mouth shut. Brodie pushed her to the ground and walked away leaving Arabella to her own.

2 weeks later

Arabella stayed quite at dinner during meetings even when with Ross. Since he had been so busy he didn't seem to really notice anything.

Her mind kept going back to what Brodie had said to her. What was she to do she couldn't leave that easy with out someone stopping her.

Walking the halls thinking of ways to keep Ross safe someone stopped her.

"my lady a letter or two have come for ya"

Arabella took the letters from the man and nodded to him. The first was from Charles not waiting another second she opened it.

Dearest Ara

Congrats you are an aunt to a beautiful baby boy. We had him not too long ago, I am sorry I haven't had time to write. I have been so busy with the baby and work. How are things in you marriage? Is Ross treating you right? He is a good man ara and I hope you are happy. bless you both please write soon I miss you little sister

All my love, Charles


That's all she had really processed in that letter. The baby Brodie had spoke of was Charles baby boy they had. Not only did she have to worry for herself and husband now she worried for the baby she had yet to meet.

Maybe there was still hope with the letter from her parents. She was shocked to know they even wrote back to her.

Dear Arabella 

Things are fine back here in London. I don't thing we will be coming to Scotland anytime soon its just too much stress form me to handle. Kate is doing fine now that your gone. You being here made it hard it reminded her who stole her future from her. With that being said I do not think it be wise for you to come visit ether poor kate couldn't stand to see you right now. She finally married though. With the season over we had to move forward with a marriage. Oh she is so unhappy and we all have you to blame for it. She married the duke of westbury. The man should have married you. He drinks and yells at her, I expected more for my beloved child. I would wish you didn't write more to us dear.


Tears filled arabellas eyes as she read the letter. She had no family she was alone. They blamed kates unhappiness on her. It was all her fault, this was it she would have to leave now.

Turning to make her way up the stairs before dinner a scream was let out.

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