"Sakura-san." I looked up to see he had his hand extended for me to take. Well, that was very nice of him.

"Kyaaa! Take the cute boy's hand! Take it!" Inner shrieked as she looked on with a blush on her face. She practically demanded that I do as she said.

I smiled up to Itachi and reached for his hand. Right on contact, I received a scene from his memories. It was one of a younger Itachi, holding a baby Sasuke and promising to protect him. As I both slowly and painfully stood up, I couldn't help but to admire him a little. He vowed to risk everything to keep his brother safe. Later on in the story he actually achieved it, as twisted as it had occurred. I felt that him and I would be able to become great friends later on what with having the same views. We were both willing to risk everything for our families. As he pulled his hand away and made the memory fade, I vowed to help keep his family safe too, it was the least that I could do right now that I was here.

"Thank you, Itachi-san." I said as I stretched out my legs. He smiled down to me and nodded his response.

"Kyaaa!" Inner shrieked and proceeded to dramatically faint. I chuckled at her action, and then proceeded to focus on the others. They had finally finished laughing but still had a few left over chuckles escape here and there. Honestly, it wasn't that funny.

"Hahaha...sorry Sakura-chan! You're just so cute!" Shisui said as he patted my head. I frowned slightly and tried to move his hands away from my head. He stopped eventually, from all of his attempts that were thwarted by me.

"Let's go practice then." Sasuke said and we all nodded and followed him out. Mikoto said she would be off to visit Shisui's mother, so we were left on our own. We had practiced for an hour on close range firing. Itachi and Shisui focused a bit more on Sasuke's precision and on my consistency. To my surprise I had hit one bulls-eye for each sets of five, however, most still continued to hit around it. Sadly, for a training day we didn't get that much practice in.

Sora had also appeared above me during practice, signaling he had a message for me. Stretching out my hand for him to perch on, I whistled, signifying I was ready for him to land. He landed gently on my arm and I unattached the note from his leg. As I read the letter I placed him on Shisui's arm, since he had asked if he could hold him. Madoka had actually wanted to see me and it was for real this time. I told them of this fact and actually showed them the letter this time. Sasuke frowned slightly as he looked between Shisui and Sora.

Before leaving I asked Sasuke if he wanted to hold Sora and could instantly see the surprise in his eyes. He nodded slowly, as if thinking I was only tricking him. He was still wary around me, but he seemed to finally accept the fact that I was going to stick around him more than he'd like.

"Extended your arm out." I told him as I stood between Sasuke and Shisui. He surprisingly did as I said, which had caused me to smile. Shisui looked interested in how I was to proceed with the exchange. It wasn't that interesting, not with Sora being so smart.

"Sora, go to Sasuke-san." I instructed as Sora looked at me tilt my head over to Sasuke. He flapped his wings and took off flying the short distance between the two. He landed gently on Sasuke's small arm, careful not to injure the boy with his talons. He tucked his wings behind him so they wouldn't accidentally slap him in the face. Although it would be funny to see, but Inner would probably get mad.

"Wow! Nii-san look! He's so smart!" He exclaimed childishly.

"I see him Sasuke." Itachi said with a gentle look on his face. Sasuke looked really cute happy. Too bad he grows up to be a jerk, but hopefully he wouldn't have to be this time.

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