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You walked home after talking to your dear friend Mob. 

"Mom is probably worried about me by now." You sighed as you mentally prepped yourself to take in the unnecessary heat as usual. 

When you reached your home, you inserted the key to turn the lock. As you entered, you took off your shoes and noticed that the kitchen light from across the room was still on. You could hear the small clinking of the plates and the tapping of the silverware. You hesitantly checked the kitchen to see your mother recently setting up the table. 

"Oh... You're home." She spoke in a calm yet slightly strict tone.

You were about to turn away to skip dinner however your mom stops you.

"Are you hungry?" She asked.

"No. Not tonight." You responded straightforward, despite that the food smelled pretty good. Your stubbornness overcame your hunger for a little while.

"Look, can I talk to you for a bit?" She requested as she set herself on a chair by the dining table.

You thought for a moment before you dropped your bag and approached to sit across from her with all the good food invading your nostrils.

"You sure you're not hungry?" Your mother asked you once more.

"I'll... Eat a little." You responded as you grabbed whatever you can to fill your plate. Your mother watched you with a careful eye, waiting for you to finish, which made you a tad bit nervous.

"Your teacher called me today after school." She announced.

You paused for a moment after taking one bite. This couldn't be good news at all. Either way, this didn't sound good.

"He talked to me about your test score here." Your mom still kept your paper that had a poor grade. You can read that there was a different color marker that was written on the paper instead of the usual red marker.

"Remember this?" She spoke.

Of course you did. It gave you nightmares. It traumatized you. However, there was something that wasn't quite right. Your eyes squinted to read the green words that were written with a colored pen. Turns out that your 64 was crossed out. Instead, a new number was written on there. To be exact, a 98 was written over the 64.

"... I don't understand." You quirked a brow as you continued on eating.

"Your teacher told me that you forgot to write what kind of test this was. Either a type A,B,C, or D test. In this case, this was a type C test. He corrected your test score once more and turns out that you actually have a 98." Your mom vaguely explained. 


Well isn't this good news? It made you feel relieved that you actually got a score that you expected, however....

"Isn't that great? You got a 98 on your test. We'll hang it up on the fridge." Your mom smiled.

"Don't." You demanded in a stern tone as you put your silverware down. At that point, you were sure that you were done eating.

"What is it?" She asked.

"... Hah, what is it? Do you not see your problem here? I get a 98, so what?"

"What do you mean, (Name)? You did a great job, see?" Your mom complimented. For some reason, it made you sick to your stomach.

"Yeah, you praise me after you found out that you were wrong! You didn't even admit that you were wrong for yelling at me for getting a low score! Just a couple days ago you forced me to feel bad about my score and now you talk as if I have straight A's!"

"Do you not see this? It's a 98. Your teacher told me that you did better than most kids in your class. I always knew you were my child. Can't you see that I'm proud of you?" Your mom explained, waving the paper and pointing the number 98. 

"What? You 'always knew I was your child'!? What the hell does that mean!?!?" You began to scream at her just like she did when she found your 64. 

"You don't realize how much damage you've done to me before this paper was a 98! It's as if you shot me in the leg and told me that I'm not your kid and now you're trying to patch up the damn hole saying, 'I always knew you were my child!' It sickens me to see your expression change drastically! It's disgusting!!" You screamed.

"Fine, you want me to say it? I'm sorry, alright? I was wrong for yelling at you because I thought you didn't care about school. But you know what? That time when I yelled at you, it was only because I care about you! If I didn't talk to you about this, I wouldn't really care what you do now would I??" Your mom starts raising her usual tone to suppress your outburst but you decided to accept that challenge.

"Now that I got a higher score, you act all high and mighty thinking that I'm the best kid or something! The way you said those horrible things to me-- It hurt my feelings! You put me down when you saw that low score!" You responded.

"Those are just words, (Name), it's not gonna kill you!"

"Maybe you don't see how much this affects me and my life! I thought about what you said and it hurts more than anything because those harsh words came from you! My own mother!" You pointed at her.

"Wow, really (Name)? Are you that butt-hurt about the things I say?" Your mom gave a little sassy attitude.

"You know what, I don't even have to listen to what you say then, if it doesn't matter. I don't wanna talk to you ever again!" You shouted.

"Don't raise your voice at me like that, young lady!" Your mom stood up from her chair. 

"I wish I would've stayed with dad instead! He cared about me and my emotions! He knew how to handle my situation when things went south! He knows his own daughter better than a psychiatrist knows her job!" 

You didn't mean it yet those last words definitely hit her hard.

"Your father didn't come to save you during that terrible earthquake. He didn't even bother calling you to see what you've been doing ever since." She had no points left to make.

"Yeah. I highly doubt you would ever be able to understand me and dad." You left the kitchen and grabbed your bag, taking them upstairs as you shut the door. 

You became upset with the way your mom treated you so differently. This wasn't how you wanted to end the relationship. You thought about Mob's advice about talking to your mother about the situation. But he was wrong. Your mom is usually stubborn to admit that she was wrong. She always wanted to point out that she's right all the time and it annoyed you. It was as if she was so self-absorbed she can't see past all that. Maybe your advice just didn't work on close-minded people. Maybe they were meant to work on people with patience and numerous perspectives.

"... I don't know how to do it, Mob.... How would you do it?"

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