Chapter Eighteen|| Dinners pt 2

Start from the beginning

Ryker pulled his chair out for me and I gladly sat as maids came around with food asking what we wanted and how much, but I noticed Ryker only had the maids out now that his parents were here. I barely see them usually. 

After Ryker pulled off his jacket to his suit and placed it on the back of the chair he sat and looked to his mom. 

It was quiet as Karen cut into one of the ravioli and Raven and Ryker both waited silently as she took a bite. 

"Fantastico." She said and I heard Ryker let out a breath of air and started to dig in. Man, that was the most serious i've ever seen him. 

"I have to admit. The night Ryker called me up explaining he had found his mate, I was shocked." Charles said and I nodded. 

"Me too." I joked and everyone let out a chuckle. 

"So Madeline, tell me about yourself, what pack did you come from?" Karen asked and I quietly sat down my fork. 

"Im from the Royal pack." I said and her eyes widened. 

"Wow, you're a royal? That's incredible. Did you see the king a lot?" She asked and I nodded smiling. 

"Actually, he's my cousin. He was like a brother to me." I replied and she smiled and shook her head. 

"That is amazing." 

"Indeed." I answered resuming my eating. 

"So, when do you plan on becoming luna?" She asked and I looked to Ryker not knowing the answer. 

"Soon." He said and Charles lifted a brow. 

"Well assuming you've marked her and by the looks of it, she has marked you, I would picture it was happening days from now." Charles spoke and I gulped feeling my cheeks heat up. 

"She marked you?" His mom asked furrowing her brows. 

I looked to his neck wondering how his father could see it and sure enough it peaked out just a tad under his shirt. If he wouldn't have left the first two buttons undone or left on his coat you wouldn't have saw it... which means he wanted them to see it. 

"She did." He replied sipping his wine. 

"I've never heard of an alpha letting his mate mark him." Charles said and Ryker sat the glass down and gave his signature smirk. 

"I guess us alphas are ahead of the game." He said and looked to me feeling my uneasiness. 

"As for Madeline becoming Luna. I've planned a date near Christmas. I feel the annual ball I have will be a perfect night to do it. I was planning on telling her but looks like you beat me to the punch." He mumbled going back to his wine. 

"Christmas? That is nearly two months from now." Charles spoke and Ryker nodded. 

"Now that the war is over, I feel that Madeline and I have some down time to... get to know one another better. I don't wish to rush things, nor does she." He replied. 

I smiled in appreciation that he was considering my feelings. 

"Well, we'll be here no matter the time." Karen spoke with a smile before sending a glare to her husband. 

"Thank you, mamma." He said and she nodded. 

"Oh we have to do the traditional flower crown! Madeleine, tell me, what are your favorite flowers?" She asked. 

"Uh, flower crown?" I asked glancing to a quiet Raven who looked up at me. 

"It's what every generation luna from the power pack has done for the past hundred years. You give the luna before you your favorite flowers and she makes you a flower crown that you'll wear the day you become luna." Raven spoke and Karen nodded eagerly. 

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