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'seven months, jane. you've been avoiding him for seven months"

eleven groaned as her alarm set off. with a sigh, she dragged her body to sit at the edge of her bed. she rubbed her eyes and sighed again, looking up to her desk.

first day of school.


she liked school, she liked learning. she didn't like the idea of seeing mike or max.


she looked up at her night stand, a frame that last night she had turned around, to face the wall, was there.

she stood up and grabbed the frame. her heart sunk as she saw the picture. it was her and mike. he had his arms around her waist from behind, his face buried in the crook of her neck, and he was smiling. she was smiling too, widely, almost laughing, and she was looking at the camera.

jonathan took that picture last summer. she smiled softly looking down at the image, her thumb rubbing the glass of the frame.

she hated herself, for all of this. but she knew that it was for the best. moving on was for the best.

mike and max tried to talk to her, but she never listened. she saw what she saw. troy warned her.

she jumped as she heard loud knocks on her door, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"kid! are you up?"

"y-yeah! i'll be out in a second" she bit her lip as her eyes glanced back at the frame in her hands.

she gulped, taking one last look, before throwing the frame to the bin next to her desk.

breathe. everything's gonna be alright. it's for the best. it's better like that.


"you look like hell, kid."

"i couldn't sleep.. last night" she grabbed a piece of the eggo extravaganza hopper had prepared.

"was it because of that wheeler boy again?"

she sighed, not looking up from the plate.

"i- uh. i mean-... yeah"

"you need to sort things up with him. it's been seven months, jane. you've been avoiding him for seven months, and it's hurting you"

"i miss him" she muttered, her eyes swelling up with tears.

hopper clicked his tongue and stood up.

"come here" he opened his arms to her. she reluctantly stood up, curling up onto him.

"it's going to be alright, kid. i promise"


el walked through the school hallways, her anxiety was building up and she was starting to breathe heavily. mike was always there to help her with that. but not today. she brushed it off, continuing to make her way to her locker.

as she got closer, she saw will. eleven smiled and walked up to him.


"will!" she laughed, as they hugged.

she breathed in, "i missed you".

"i missed you too, el" he pulled away.

"how's everything?"

eleven shrugged, opening her locker (their lockers were right next to each other)

"you know"

will sighed.

"mike he uh-" he sighed, "he misses you. a lot. we all know he does"

eleven swallowed, "he shouldn't have been a jerk" she closed her locker with books in hand, and walked away.

"el!" will shouted.

she pushed her tears back, jane stopped her tracks when she saw him.

he also saw her. his eyes were fixed on her, and hers on him. he looked... slightly different. his hair was messier than the usual. he was now even paler. he had bags under his eyes. she could see his freckles despite the distance.

for him, she also looked slightly different. her hair was now shoulder length, wavy. she also looked tired. he missed her like crazy. it hurt having her away from him again, mostly knowing that she was so close to him.

but he tried, he tried to talk to her, and she never listened. it hurt him, it made him mad that she didn't believe him. that she didn't trust him.

will saw how mike and eleven stared at each other. eleven suddenly took a few steps. and for a second, and only a second, both mike and will thought she was walking to him. but she didn't. she walked past him, mike closed his eyes tightly, stopping his tears from falling. will sighed sadly, turning back to his locker.

she sniffled, walking away from mike wheeler. the one who used to be hers.

her mike wheeler.

"i miss him too, will. you have no idea" she whispered to herself, biting her lip, once she was far away for none of the boys to hear.

GUESS WHO'S BACK!!! I'm so happy to start this book, I know loads of you have been waiting for it. So here you go. I hope you enjoy. Love you all. <3

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