Set the silence free 7

Start from the beginning

Soon the delivery came and the doctor was ready to attach poor Rob to the IV bag. And Rob was smart enough to offer his other hand. Not the one with the wounds. The doctor explained to them what was the idea and showed Brad how to take it off when it was finished so that they wouldn't have to call him. And then he gave his number saying that they should call if anything happens but most likely there shouldn't be any issues. During all of this Rob stared on his lap. He did listen. But he just wanted them all to disappear and leave him alone. Chester watched them closely on the corner of the room biting his lip. He was so worried but didn't want to say it out loud. Then the doctor left smiling and assuring that it wasn't even that uncommon.

"Ummm... So what would you like to do?", Chester asked awkwardly. He was so not good at this.

"Anything else than lay here being pitied", the drummer muttered getting Brad to roll his eyes.

"I am going to get him something to eat. You stay here. Then you can leave back at the venue to see do they need help, okay?", Brad nodded at Chester pushing him to the chair he was just sitting second ago. Chester smiled back. That he could do. Brad left giving a quick glance at the two. Poor Chester is so confused and worried.

What is with him and food! Always something about food, geez!, Rob thought when the guitarist closed the door.

He was quick even though he went to get the food from outside the hotel. He had noticed the sandwich bag at the table before he left and wondered why it wasn't fine for the drummer. Deciding between two different soups he also grabbed another sandwich and headed back to the hotel. When he got to the room door he heard soft talking inside the room. Chester was talking. Alone. He opened the door and was greeted with a sweet sight. The singer had crossed his legs and turned to face Rob. He was going through messages that they had gotten in social media from fans and reading aloud the ones that were praising the drummer. Rob was certainly listening even though he wasn't saying anything.

"Hey...", he smiled at the two.

"I... don't really know why you didn't like the sandwich I brought earlier but I took different one now. And some chicken soup", he brought the foods closer to the bed and watched carefully Rob's expressions. The drummer went into a weird state instantly. Like he was forced to do something nasty. It was food after all, not like cleaning up the sewer. But at the same time he looked like he was ashamed.

"I'm not hungry... There is the IV anyway", he said quietly.

"Rob. That isn't food. It has some electrolytes, that's all", Brad answered calmly.

Rob didn't want this. Now they were staring at him again really worried. Like he was sick. He had only fainted, for fuck's sake.

"Please?", Brad pleaded. He didn't want to get angry. Not yet. Soon he would have to but he would try once again the softer approach that hadn't helped before.

"I will... I think I will leave to see if they need help. You two are fine, right?", Chester didn't feel comfortable at all. There was this weird tension between the two that was also pushing him away.

"Thank you", Rob said smiling shyly before the singer left.

"Back to the issue. I don't want to be that guy. But I will if I have to. So please?", the guitarist didn't want to change the subject.

"There is no issue...", Rob muttered scratching the cannula. He felt a tiny tear escape his eye corner but wiped it before it got away.

"Clearly there isn't...", Brad rolled his eyes sighing and grabbed Rob's hand so he wouldn't tear the cannula. He didn't get it. But he wanted to. He wanted to understand why it was such a big deal.

"Prove me then wrong, okay?", he handed the soup carton for the drummer.

Rob bit his lip. He hated this situation but it wasn't like he could escape either. His stomach grumbled and the soup smelled delicious. But when he thought about eating he wanted to puke. But then he glanced at the guitarist and saw his eyes were wet. He was tearing up. Cause of him. At least that he believed it to be. So he decided that he could try.

"Okay, I'll taste", he nodded and took the carton and spoon from the other man and was greeted with so beautiful joyful smile that he couldn't believe such small thing would cause it. The guitarist was also discreet enough and stood up to look out from the window and not stare at the other man when he was trying to eat. Trying got soon to eating and before Rob even noticed he had eaten most of the soup. And he felt fine. No nausea, no weird sensation. Just normal.

"Thank you", he placed the carton to the bedside table trying to figure out what the other man was thinking. Suddenly Brad's phone rang.

"Yup, what's up? Oh... Okay, well if that is the plan.. Yeah yeah of course. Don't know but.. I think he could be fine then. Sure, yeah I'll be here", he had a quick conversation.

"It was Mike. They had found out that Dave's bass technician plays drums. They played some songs and it seems like it could be really an option. He will now rehearse through the setlist. He also asked how are you and will you be able to play the two final shows here. And I said that I really don't know but you should be", he then explained for the drummer.

"And then you said you'll be here. Which you don't. Cause I am fine and not really going anywhere", Rob sighed.

"I know. But... You know when I was just a little boy and sick so that I had to stay in bed. My mum always said that being sick is also state of mind. As long as you get your mood up you get also physically better. So, she spend hours with me. Even though she had to make dinner and clean the house and all that she would rather be with me. We played some board games or watched movies. Pretty much anything. Most things I could have done by myself too, but she wanted to keep me company. And I think it did help. To not be alone. So let's try that okay?", Brad sat back to the chair next to Rob's bed.

Rob grunted but didn't really want to be rude either. And it wasn't like he could force the other man out off the room.

"Or you get sick of me and then.. well, get sick too", the drummer muttered.

"No. I could never get sick of you", Brad smiled stroking softly the drummer's arm.

Time went by quickly and soon there was a knock on the door which was so familiar sound for Rob. Brad went to open it. The other's had finished the rehearsals with the subsitute drummer.

"Any better?", Dave asked directing his words mostly to the guitarist.

"I think he is. Right Robbie?", Brad answered making sure to use the nickname that annoyed Rob so much.

"Yeah. I still think I could play tomorrow", he groaned frustrated.

"No. The doctor said no, you heard him. And we are not discussing it anymore", Brad shook his head crossing his arms on his chest.

Mike laughed at the pouting drummer and the serious guitarist. Luckily the situation wasn't worse. One show.. Well the fans would be upset that Rob wouldn't be there but better than to cancel it all. Chester soon joined the laughter.

"It is getting late already", Joe yawned poking the emcee.

"Oh! I'll fetch my bag from my room and we can watch some TV maybe then?", Brad asked from the drummer.

"Fine for m... Wait, what? You don't mean you are sleeping here?", Rob's eyes widened. It was too much. He couldn't escape and now...

"Of course I am", Brad rolled his eyes and laughed like the drummer had just told a joke and stepped out with the others.

"Great", Rob sighed.


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