Lana nodded and stepped to the side so that Zelda can enter. "You may enter, milady."

Zelda smiled and entered, Lana doing the same afterwards and closed the door to commence the privacy Zelda had wanted. She walked off to sit on her chair tucked in her desk, Zelda seated on her bed. "Okay, so what is it?"

"Well..." Zelda started off, not knowing how to continue. She folded her hands together on her lap and tried to stall and take her time to word what she had wanted to say. Gods, why is this so much more harder? "I-I...met this boy..."

Lana's face burst into a grin. "You did?! Oh my gosh! Finally!" But, she had then turned serious again after a thought had come to her head. "Wait. Online?"

Zelda started to turn red a little, but she giggled nonetheless. She shook her head. "No. I went to central park a few days ago 'cause my father let me go out to have a break from being inside for so long. So I met him there."

"Mm-hm. Okay, and I'm assuming your father doesn't know about this?"

Zelda nodded. "Correct. If he found out I was even conversing with a stranger he would get mad— Well, actually...," Zelda bit her lip and recalled the night she had gotten back home to her father, "he does know. He just doesn't know I ended up hanging out with the guy I met, or anyone else. All I said was I encountered a Hylian, Zora, then another Hylian...which is who I ended up hanging out with."

"All of them?"

Zelda shook her head again. "No, just the last Hylian. His name was Link."

Lana laughed. "That's funny."

Zelda tilted her head. "What is?"

"Your name's Zelda and his is Link."

Zelda rolled her eyes playfully and smiled a little. "So far you and Urbosa had been saying that. Even Link himself! I know it's no surprise everyone knows about our land's legend, but since I'm the only Zelda and Link is probably one of the many Links out there, Urbosa won't stop making references or joking around."

Lana laughed again. "I know how you get annoyed sometimes being called a Princess, but you can't deny it is really coincidental. Come on, I don't think there's any other person named Link aside from him because it's an age old tale that probably didn't even exist. Maybe Hyrule made it up just to make this land sound interesting."

Zelda sighed. "I know you don't believe in the monarchy and legends from long ago, but I can assure you it did happen. There's tons of pictures and paintings from back then, Hyrule Castle somewhere in the background. There are also some ancient portraits of all the Zeldas and Kings and some Queens, there were some Links in there somewhere as well."

"You really are dedicated to your he—" Lana shook her head, quickly catching herself—"history, Zel. It can be true, but it also can't. Maybe most stories and pictographs were changed to hide something from long ago that really happened. It is true though that there was a monarchy before us, though; that I cannot deny no matter how much I want to."

Zelda tilted her head in question. "Oh. Well, of course I'm dedicated to it all." Zelda smiled. "I have more proof that there really were Heroes though."

Lana raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?"

"Yup. I...kind of didn't want to tell this to anyone—not even Urbosa—but...Link had taken me through the Lost Woods and over to Korok Forest. You know of those, right?"

"You're kidding." Lana had her eyes widen again. "I thought those areas were just a myth?"

"You think everything is a myth." Zelda waved her off. "It's more north from here. If I left to go there now, it'll take me about three hours walking. Central park is about thirty minutes by foot from here, but Link and I had gone to Tarrey Town just before heading toward the woods. It was in a more secluded area, hardly anyone was near when we entered."

Unexpected | Zelink (modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now