オールマイト (All Might) and 各々の胸に (Upon Each of Our Hearts)

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'I had a bad feeling, so I tore myself away from my chat with the principal and came. I passed Young lida on my way and got a rough idea of what had happened. Good grief, it really makes me angry. Thinking about how frighting it must have been for the children... And how hard my juniors fought... But that is why I must proudly say--'

"It's fine now! I am here!"

"All Might!" Mineta shouted, crying tears of joy.


 "All... Might... He's not smiling... "

"I've been waiting, hero. You trash of society." 


Kurohebi coughed as she tried to get the water out, "W-What was that for?!"

'You know how dangerous your Quirk is do you want to die?' A deep voice asked.

"You could've saved them!" She hissed, crawling onto land, "Where am I anyway? Is this some kind of forest area?"

'Stop complaining. And it would be best if you found an area to hide since- Jump left!'

Kurohebi did what the voice commanded barely dodging a punch, "T-Thank you."

'I don't want my host to die. Just let me take over.'

"I got-" Kurohebi gasped when a hand grabbed her throat.

"You seem to be talking to yourself... Why is that?" A high-pitched voice asked, "You should really pay attention to your surroundings~ You might die." The woman teased, as more villains appeared causing Kurohebi to struggle more. 

"What are those markings on your face? Wait- Your eyes I've seen them before, so it's true Kurokobura has a child." A man grinned watching as Kurohebi's struggling stopped for a second.

"It seems so..."

"Do you know what we could do with her captured?!"

'How many? 30? Wait, 40?!' Kurohebi panicked, as her vision became unfocused, black dots appearing, 'If I use my Quirk on so many... I'll surely die..' She thought, tearing up, 'Someone has to save them...' 

'Just let me take over...' Was the last thing she heard.


'Where am I...?' Kurohebi thought, 'What happened? There was villains and-'

"You're finally awake." 

"You Bastard..." She hissed, "Let me go!" 

"You order me around and yet you can't even control your own body." 'Bastard' mocked.

"Shut up!" She shouted, as snakes slithered around and on her.

"Oh, but how could I stop there? You were the one who let me take control, were you not? And I do believe you wished for someone to save your friends in the first place, no? I feel that it's worked out beautifully! Your wish has been granted at last, don't you agree?"

"I said shut up!"  

"How wonderful! You are a fool! That's right... Isn't that absolutely right?! Nothing makes me happier than that pitiful personality of yours...!"  

"This is all... my fault... Because of me!" 

"Yes... That expression... It's wonderful...! Lovely, indeed, isn't that right?" 

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