今 僕に 出来る こと を (What I Can Do for Now)

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"The cumulative results for the practical exam are out!" "I can't believe he got first place with no recuse points."

Katsuki Bakugo : 77 Villain / 0 rescue

"The faux villains acquire their targets and draw near them. In the school half, as other were slowing down, he used his Quirk to keep bringing them close and then counterattacking. It's the result of his toughness." "In contrast, there's the 7th place student with zero villain points." 

Izuku Midoriya : 0 Villain / 60 rescue

"There have been other examinees who took on the large villain in the past, but it's been a while since I last saw someone blow it away." "But to suffer such a serious injury from his own attack... It's like he's a young child whose Quirk just manifested." 


"Class 1-A... 1-A... This place's too big..." Midoriya mumbled, running ahead of Kurohebi, 'He's excited... Well so am I,' "There it is!" "The door is huge..." "The elite chosen from the huge number at the exam..." Midoriya shock his head, "I hope I'm not in the same class as the scary peopl---" Midoriya muttered opening the door, 'He must be talking about explosions and glasses...'

"Don't put your feet  on the desk!" Glasses shouted, at explosions.


"Don't you think that's rude to the U.A. upperclassmen and the people who make the desk!" 

"Nope. What junior high did you go to, you side character?" Expo- Katsuki mocked.

"I attended Somei Private Academy. My name is Tenya Lida." Lida introduced himself.

"Somei? So you're a damn elite, huh? Looks like I'll have fun crushing you." 

"'Crushing'? That's cruel. Do you truly aim to be a hero?" Katsuki scoffed and they both looked at the door, Lida looking more surprised than Katsuki-don't read that as a compliment-, "You're..." Lida muttered causing the whole class to look over, "Oh, um..." 'He's so cute when he's nervous!' Kurohebi thought, having one of her snakes take a secret photo, "Good morning!" Lida said walking over, "--I am from Somei Private Academy. My name is--" "--We heard!" Midoriya interrupted causing Lida to freeze, "I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Lida-kun." 'Kun... Why doesn't he call me Kurohebi-chan or Hebi-chan..' Kurohebi thought gloomily, "Midoriya, you realized there was something more to that practical exam, didn't you?" "eh?" "I had no idea... I misjudged you! I hate to admit it, but you are better than me." 'Is that a compliment...?'  "Oh, that curly hair! You're the plain-looking one!" "huh?!" Midoriya gaped blushing, "--You passed, just like Present Mic said!" 'Oh! She's the one who has that floaty Quirk and saved Izuku during the exams when he was falling!' "Of course you did! Your punch was amazing!" "--Oh, well, um, it was thanks to you going to speak with him directly that I, uh..."--Break! Break! Bre-- Huh? How did you know about that?" 'That's right! I saw her after I left... She really is nice! Maybe I can finally have a girlfriend!~' Kurohebi thought, smiling goofily, "Oh, uh, that's because..." Kurohebi turned towards Katsuki and saw him glaring in their direction, 'He's probably still mad about what happened...'


"I can't believe we have three students from our school matriculating into U.A.! Especially you, Midoriya. It's a miracle!"


Katsuki threw both Midoriya and Kurohebi into the wall and grabbed the front of their shirts, "What dirty tricks did you use to get in, huh?! "The first student from his school to go to U.A." My future plan has already been torn to pieces. I told you to go somewhere else!" Katsuki shouted at  them, but stopped when Midoriya grabbed his hand, "Kacchan. Someone told me... "You can become a hero"... That it was because of my own effort... Th-That's why... I'm going...!"

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