About this story....

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I'm going to end this story because her power is just hard for me to write into the story with the main villains so no matter what I would just have to move her away somehow and make her fight a whole bunch of guys because just one is too easy since it takes one look from her and the fight is over... That isn't fun for me and just seems repetitive and boring. If her ability is just her looking into someones eyes and turning them into stone, then it will be short and ruin the story. So I will write another story I just spent like 5 hours writing ideas, working with what Quirk is good and the family. 

Don't worry, it will be a 'Boku No Hero Academia' Fanfic!  

Here's a sneak peak of it~

'The Queen of Cards' 

'The Queen of Cards' 

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"Family...? Why would I ever need a thing like that? I am Diana Louise someone like me doesn't need something like that. Such a thing only the weak need and those who were always chosen over someones beliefs and ambitions." 

I hope you aren't too mad at me for this decision! And Kudos if you know the character!

Edit!~ Sunday, January 21, I just posted the story! 

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