Ch 2--Interview Prep

Start from the beginning

"So, why are you so nervous, baby? I'm sure your friend will love you. I mean, what's not to love?"

Evan blushed.


"Sorry," she smiled. "But you're a great person, honey. Anyone would be lucky to call you their friend."

He couldn't help but smile at her compliments. At times like this, he felt invincible, like he could do anything.

"Y-yeah. I guess maybe she'll like me."

"She? Your friend is a girl?" She asked, excited. Before the sparkles in her eyes grew and she started expecting a marriage, Evan cut her off.

"N-no, it's not l-like that. She's d-dating someone." Or married with a kid. But his mom didn't need to know that. "It's v-very serious."

"Oh." Heidi deflated a bit. "Well that's okay. A girl friend will come along soon enough." He shrugged and ate his waffles. She looked at him thoughtfully before cutting a bite of her food. "Or a boyfriend." Evan almost choked. "What? I'm not going to judge your choices. If you find that you--"

"Oh my god, mom, n-no. P-please, let's not."

Evan was not ready to come out to his mom just yet. He knew he liked girls, but he also liked boys sometimes. It was still confusing to him, so he didn't want to get into it yet. Maybe one day...

"Sorry, honey. I'm just curious. You know you can tell me anything, all right? I love you. I'll always be proud of you, okay? No matter what, I'll be here."

"Th-thanks mom." Evan looked at the clock, then started eating faster. He still had to pick out his outfit and pack his bag for his interview.

Heidi let him sit in silence for a while. Once he finished eating and set his plate in the sink to be washed later, she followed him to his room.

"So are you thinking casual or fancy for this project?" Heidi asked, swinging the closet door open. Evan sat on his bed.

"P-probably a little on the f-fancy side. N-nothing formal, but n-not like th-this." He pointed at his t-shirt and shorts. Heidi nodded, looking at the clothes in the small closet. She held out every possible outfit in the tiny closet, but he couldn't find anything that seemed like it would work. It was all too casual or too fancy.

"Oh, I have an idea." She returned with a white shopping bag and set it on the bed.

"I stopped by GoodWill this morning and decided to pick up a couple things."

"Mom, you sh-shouldn't have--"

"Honey, it's fine, okay? They were a good price." All of Evan's clothes were so old, they started to wear out. She needed to start getting him new stuff.

She took three shirts and held them up for him. He shook his head at the first one, a dark red button up. It was too fancy. Then she held up a plaid sweater and he made a face. That was not what he thought the woman should see as his first impression. Then his mom held up a dark and baby blue striped shirt with a collar and three buttons. It was perfect. He smiled.

"All right. Shirt, found. Now we need shoes, and pants, and oh, how are we going to do your hair..." Heidi set off trying to figure out how to prepare her son. He rarely asked for her help, so this was a treat for her. She loved spending time with him, though she was hardly ever around. Even though she worked twelve hours the night before at the hospital and she was exhausted, she powered through it if it meant she could spend a couple hours with him.

"All right, honey, I think you're ready." Heidi proclaimed after he'd gotten dressed. She helped him gel his hair and give it a sort of spiky look in the front, and she helped him decide what he'd need for a project: laptop, notebook, pens. Thankfully, they ran out of time to talk about the project. Evan was relieved.

"Th-thanks, mom. I love you." He gave her a hug and she smiled.

"I'd do anything to make you happy. Anything at all." She whispered.

He let go and threw the army green messenger bag over his shoulder.

"I'll see y-you later," he said.

She waved as he walked out and set off to his friends off. She really hoped this friend would be good for him.


Hello all! I hope you like this chapter. I know nothings really happened yet, but I want to set up a bit of a background to make sure the story has a good plot later on. :) I'll try to upload the chapter where Evan meets the family he's going
to babysit for :D I've started a bit of it, so maybe on Wednesday I'll finish.

Side note, anyone as excited about the hamildrop tonight, because ben platt and Hamilton are two of my absolute favorite things :D


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