Separated by a Fence (25)

Start from the beginning

I glanced up to see her facial expression. She had her gaze cast down on the ground, and she looked like she was in deep thought.

She closed her eyes, sucking in a deep breath, before reopening them and staring right at me.

“I think I’ll go now,” she announced, before standing up abruptly, grabbing her bag, and making her way to the door.

I leapt to my feet. “Hey Montana, don’t just leave because of your, of our personal problems. Marcus is different to our personal problems, and we need to leave him out of them. But we can’t just leave them get in front of him.”

She froze, and her shoulders slumped. “We don’t have anything more to talk about.’

I hopped off the bed, and made my way over to her.

“Okay look…Rochelle isn’t that bad you know,” I said, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

She spun around, her sadness fading into angriness and frustration. “SAM, listen to yourself! When we were kids, you were tough, and you didn’t let anyone push you around, didn’t let anyone bully your friends. Then Rochelle came along, and suddenly you faded into her shadow, becoming the puppy dog. You let Rochelle push you around, you did whatever she told you to do. And then she leaves, and you start to become more independent and start to return back to your old self. But then she comes back, in her spiky high heels and her b*tchy personality. You’re letting her stomp all over your heart, and your becoming her little lap dog all over again. Why are you letting her do this to you Sam? You could be so much better without her!”

My blood boiled. She didn’t know anything. She didn’t know that all my guy friends ditched me in elementary school, and Rochelle befriended me, and became my only friend.

So I said the first thing that came to mind.

“You’re just jealous!” I snapped. “You’re jealous because she became a famous Hollywood talented and gorgeous A-Lister, while you’re stuck here, doing nothing and-


To: Sam

From: Mark

Subject: DUDEEEEEEEE                      


I tossed my phone onto my bed, and ran to the living room. Bewildered, Montana was on my heels.

I opened the TV, punching in channel 7.

Up popped Rochelle and an interviewer. I could see Montana in the corner of my eye, and she was leaning against the wall, arms crossed.

“Ooooooooh,” the interviewer crooned. “Who is it? Is it Nathan Bucks from when you did The Last Time together? Or is it your rumoured boyfriend, Isaac Lawley?”

I assumed they were talking about Rochelle’s dating life. I wondered if she was going to talk about me and her. Confirm our relationship. Would she?

Rochelle shook her head, laughing. “No, no, no! It’s actually someone I’ve known for the longest time actually. His name’s Sam Taylor. He and I were best friends, before I left for Hollywood. Now I’ve returned to my home town, and we’re together now. It’s really fantastic. He’s someone real, someone who won’t use me for my fame. You know?”

It sounds so stupid and retarded, but my heart literally fluttered, and I felt a surge of relief shoot through me. She had confirmed our relationship. She had made us public. All the doubts that had been niggling at the back of my brain, the ones that Montana had spoken of, were immediately dismissed. Making our relationship public, aka worldwide, definitely made it real. Rochelle and I were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Dating.

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