Ch 1--The Job Ap

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"Hmm...babysitter...that's usually a job for fourteen year old girls." Evan mused as he trolled through the comments on Reddit. His friend Jared swore by Reddit, so he decided to look there first for a job. This online description said they were looking for someone between the ages of 16 and 18.

That's a rather specific age range, Evan thought. But he seemed to fit all the qualifications. He was trustworthy, he was responsible...and the pay was incredible.

Evan was looking for a job because he thought his mom was too overworked. She worked more than 40 hours a week, she had school, she had to study, and sometimes she had to sleep. Evan felt terrible that she had to work so much just to provide for him. All he did was go to school and watch videos on his laptop or go for walks in the forest if it was nice out.

He wanted to help her. He was a junior, so he had to start thinking about college. His mom had given him a binder overflowing with scholarship essays to help them out, but he knew she was still stressed out over the matter. If he could make some money, that might make it easier on her.

Of course, he couldn't tell her about this, because she would protest. What with all his anxiety problems and hatred of surprise and change, she would never let him do something like this. She'd say it was too risky and it would be bad for him. Even though he knew she was only trying to protect and help him, Evan couldn't get rid of the thought that she thought there was something wrong with him.

He'd figure out a way to bring her round eventually. Maybe after a few weeks when he can prove to her that he's able to handle it, then he can tell her. She can't be mad if he's doing fine, can she?

He sent a reply to the woman who placed the ad. She only lived a couple blocks away from Evan on the other side of town, so he would be able to walk to their house to watch her son, which was nice since Evan didn't have a car. Or his license. One time his mom took him practice driving...let's just say it was an experience both are still recovering from...

He closed his laptop and went to the kitchen, hoping to find some food his mom might have left for him, that way he wouldn't have to call for take out or something. Evan hates talking on the phone. It's bad enough talking to people in real life, but when he can't see them to know they aren't making fun of him, it makes him more nervous. Plus he always sounds so awkward when he talks.

There was nothing in the fridge for him to eat, so he just took an apple from the basket on the table and went back to his room. He sat on his bed and opened his laptop. He was hoping to scour the internet for a new tree documentary he'd never seen before-though that's probably impossible-but when he opened his laptop up, he found an unfamiliar bubble in the corner of his screen with a number one in it.

Someone had messaged him back.

Excited, but also nervous, Evan clicked on the message.

It was from the mother of the boy he was supposed to watch.

"Dear Evan Hansen," the message read, "I was very excited to get your application. I looked it over quick and you seem like a very responsible and capable boy. I would really like to meet you before having you take the job, but if all goes well, the position is yours! Are you available to come visit tomorrow at 10am? Sincerely, Cynthia."

Evan was shocked. She messaged him back in less than five minutes. He bit his lip and before he could think too much about it and start worrying, he started typing a reply saying he'd see her tomorrow.

He closed the laptop and grinned.

He was going to get a job tomorrow!


There you go! Here's part one! I'm sorry it's so short, but this is only the beginning. :)

(Also, just fyi I'm not sure how Reddit works or if you can look for jobs on it, probably not, I just know that Will Roland loves Reddit and I like making those little connections to my story, so for the sake of my own amusement, we're gonna say Reddit has job postings :P )

Also sorry it took me an extra day to post this, I had the hardest time coming up with a title...I know it's kind of stupid, maybe I'll change it later :P 

And if anyone is good at making covers and wants to help me out with that, that'd be super cool :) 

So tell me what you think!!

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