Chapter 30

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"Daddy," Alicia yelled before running over to the man with the same light brown complexion, and wrapped her arms around him.

The man seemed genuinely happy as he smiled down at his demon spawn and wrapped an arm lovingly around her. The other two men approached until they stood on either side of the man calling me his daughter. All of them held looks that said they wanted to come closer but were restraining themselves from doing so.

The silence that took hold of all of us was overwhelming. Were we supposed to attack or run at this point?

"I hope you don't do either," the man with the black hair answered.

The fact that he was reading my thought made me grit my teeth in frustration. I was fine with Sage doing that, but this dude had no right. Screw blood, this wasn't my father and I didn't care what he had to say.

The man took another step forward as he started to speak again, "Girls, I hope you both can one day call me your father. I know that's all any of us really want, to just have our children in our lives."

The other men nodded along, agreeing with his words.

"Bullshit," Lucas stated, his eyes sizing up the red-haired man that stood off to the side of the man that called himself my father.

The blonde haired man looked towards the man with Lucas' fiery locks and smiled, "Looks like your son and my daughter have something going on. Guess that makes a family."

"Only as long as you pay for the wedding," the red-haired man replied before releasing a deep belly laugh.

Lolly spat at the blonde before ducking back under Lucas' arm. But the act of disrespect only made both the blonde and the redhead laugh harder.

"Gentlemen, enough," the raven-haired man barked.

It looked like all of us were starting to make connections with the men in front of us. Alicia had found her father, as well as Lucas, Lolly, Sage, and me. But it became clear that not everyone had made it to the party, Wes and Declan's fathers weren't here.

"What do you want from us?" Sage asked, her voice sounding strained like she was trying to hold a tight grip on her emotions.

"We have plenty of time for that. How about we try an introduction first? It's obvious neither of you will be calling me Dad anytime soon, so you can call me by my name, Azazel," the raven-haired man said.

He then proceeded to point out the others starting with Lucas' father, "this is Shax."

The redheaded demon waved to all of us while shooting Lucas a toothy grin.

"My fair-haired friend here is Barbas," Azazel stated pointing to Lolly's father, who simply nodded.

"and in the back there is Zozo," he finally finished as he hooked his thumb over his shoulder to indicate Alicia's father behind them.

"Well now that's out of the way, what the hell do you want?" Wes asked, staring Azazel down.

Ms. Pierce and Mr. B slowly made their way to stand in front of us, as if they were trying to shield us from the demons in front of them.

"It doesn't matter what they want, kids, cause it's not happening," Ms. Pierce announced as she glanced back at all of us.

"Now, now, Madison, no need to get all judgy. We don't want anything from them except a chance to get to know them. They are our children after all." Azazel informed her, but even as he said it, a flash of some unknown emotion lighted his eyes.

I couldn't help myself, I had questions and I wasn't going to wait all day to get them.

"If that was true then how come Wes and Declan's fathers aren't here?" I asked, stepping around Ms. Pierce only to have her grab me by the shoulders and gently pull me back.

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