Chapter 27

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"Ms. Pierce!" Lolly shouted and began to bounce up and down while holding onto the cage bars.

Ms. Pierce held a finger to her mouth before rushing over to the keypad on the wall. She keyed in a series of numbers and our cell's door slid open.

"Come one, we got to get out of here and quickly," she told us in a hushed tone while also waving for us to follow her.

We walked behind her while she opened the jail room door and peeked around the corner. When she seemed confident that no one was around, she darted off down the metal hall and the rest of us did the same. Trying to escape made the hall feel longer than when we had first arrived. Every shadow made me feel like someone was behind us and put me on edge. At least we were out of the cage and could finally use our abilities.

"Sage, you getting anything," I asked, looking over my shoulder.

As she ran behind me, her face pinched together in concentration. A moment later her eyes opened wide as she turned to look behind her.

"Incoming," she announced.

None of us stopped but each of our bodies tensed, waiting for an attack. Sure enough, the sound of boots echoed down the hall, coming from the direction we were running away from.

"Stop!" a male voice shouted.

When it became apparent that we were going to stop, a gunshot fired. In the small space, the sound caused my ears to ring, halting me in my place as I covered them with my hands.

"Chloe, come one," Wes urged as he pulled on my arm.

Another gunshot rang out and a bullet flew just over our heads before embedding into the metal wall at the exit. Declan multiplied, causing five clones to spread out in the hall around us just as several more shots fired. One flew past me before entering the back of a Declan clone, causing it to fall to the ground before disappearing. The other bullets landed in either the walls or the rest of the clones. Luckily, none of us had been hit.

I skidded to a halt and turned to face the guards. My eyes locked on Sir who was leading the chase. He pulled out a pistol and let off two shots in my direction without any hesitation. My reaction was just as quick. I threw my hand up causing the bullets to stop just inches from my face, and then without thinking, sent them flying back in Sir's direction. One hit his leg while the other hit a wall but it caused enough of a distraction to make the other guards pause and check on him, giving me time to run and catch up with everyone.

"Lolly, baby, you gotta get out of here," Lucas shouted at Lolly.

She shook her head and grabbed his hand before saying, "Hell no, I'm not leaving you guys."

"Go, I got us covered," Lucas told her before turning around to face the guards that were running towards us.

He made sure everyone was behind him before holding his hands together. As he pulled them apart he used the thumb and pointer finger of each hand to create a box. Inside of the box, fire swirled and as he spread his hands wide, the square-shaped flames grew. He pushed the flames forward while guiding them to attach to the walls. I was amazed, he had created a firewall between us and the guards. It may not have been able to stop bullets, but it would keep the guards on their side of the hall, for the moment.

When he was done, he turned to Lolly with a smile and said, "Go, make sure there's a car waiting for us."

"Mr. B is parked in an SUV in the field, tell him to get the engine running," Ms. Pierce added.

Lolly nodded, gave Lucas a quick kiss, and vanished into thin air.

"Let's go," Declan yelled and the rest of us took off running once again.

Inner Demons✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora