Chapter 9

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"Billions of years ago, the ground we stand on, the air we breathe, our world and everything around it didn't exist. That was until a doorway of pure light appeared, and through it came the creator. Call it God, Allah, whatever you want I doubt it really cares. What we do know is that it created everything here. That's not to say science is wrong, the creator just gave our world a jump start. But once an intelligent human presence began to manifest more beings of light came through the doorway."

Ms. Pierce walked over to the smooth rectangular stone to the right and lightly placed her hand on it.

"This doorway."

I heard the sound of a laugh being choked down and assumed it was Declan. Ms. Pierce paid it no attention.

"As the human race grew larger and smarter another doorway appeared. A portal of darkness ."

She glanced to the cracked stone on the left but made no move to get near it.

"The beings of light and dark walked side by side with the human population for thousands of years. Those of the light were intrigued by us, cared for us as the creations of their leader. Whereas those of the dark view as their personal playthings. Toys to do with as they pleased. After many years the creator and the beings of light had grown tired of protecting us and wanted to leave. But they promised to help us send the monsters back to where they had come from. A war was started and after many years had passed, and many lives were taken those of the light had finally sent every last monster back through the portal of darkness. After which they sealed off the portal of darkness, and then the creator and the beings of light left. Sealing off the doorway of light as they left and sending both of them underground."

Ms. Pierce paused looking at all of us expectantly. I stood there silently, repeating her story over and over in my head. It sounded like some sort of fairy tale, wrapped up with a perfect ending and all that crap.

"If the doors are sealed then why are we here?" I asked.

"The doorway of light can only be opened from their side. Whereas the portal of darkness can only be opened from ours. But the seal on the portal is weakening. It's cracking and breaking, has been for the last one hundred years. During that time the creatures behind it have slowly been squeezing their way through. Mostly Demons, though some witches, vampires, werewolves, and other such things have made it through as well. That also includes your demonic fathers."

With those final words, Wes' head jerked in her direction. Ms. Pierce watched him, waiting for him to say something, but he didn't. His face clearly said he wanted to, with his brows furrowed and a steady tick of his jaw. But not a word, so she continued.

"The seven of you are not the first Dembions to be born. It seems every generation since the seal started to crack, a new group is born. And every time a Dembion is conceived the dark portal lets out a pulse, always within the same month."

Ms. Pierce stopped to point from me to Sage.

"In your cases, it pulsated two times. Anyways, the organization Mr. B and I work for has created a device that tracks the pulses. It's how we knew when you all were born, and when your demonic switch had flipped. The portal pulsates for those too."

She was pacing now, her eyes occasionally shifting to me. She seemed to come to a resolution when she stopped and held her ground.

"I'm sorry Chloe, but when your mother and you were talking the other day in my office, I had a recorder listening to you talk."

I could tell she was expecting me to get angry, to lash out or yell. With everything else she had to tell us, this piece of information just didn't affect me. How could when compared to being told your half human half demon.

Inner Demons✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang