Chapter 12

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The rest of the day Ms. Pierce had us training, or more or less, taunting us until we showed progress.

For Lolly and Lucas, showing progress wasn't very hard to do. After the first fireball, Lucas was on a roll, though his aim wasn't getting any better. I had a feeling the words "spawn of Satan" was on replay in his mind. It may have helped him to produce fire but I didn't think it was helping him with controlling it. His aim was horrible and he the size of the fireballs varied from way too small to way too big. Sometimes he couldn't form a ball at all and the fire would just flow from his hands like a fountain. It was those times that Mr. B would appear with a giant fire extinguisher and put sparky out.

Lolly had the easiest time with teleporting. All Ms. Pierce had to do was mention plans for an upcoming dance and Lolly was so overwhelmed with excitement that she would disappear and reappear all over the room. It was actually really entertaining to watch, she reminded me of a lightning bug, lighting up in one spot only to light up again several feet away. I couldn't help the feeling of wanting to chase her like I had chased those bugs as a child.

Ms. Pierce trained Sage and me as a team. She figured to get Sage used to tapping into minds she could practice on me since our blood bond, possibly, made it easier for her to read me. I was fine with Sage digging around in my mind, which still didn't seem very easy for her to do. Ms. Pierce had me think of Kelly and the years of bullying I endured to summon the strength to toss baseballs at the dummies using my mind. It sounded silly and a couple times I felt so silly I would lose focus and start laughing.

That was when Ms. Pierce would pull out her folder with my name on it and recount records of things Kelly had done to me, all of which my school had kept a record of. It worked a couple times, though my aim was just as bad as Lucas'.

It was during those times that Sage was able to tap into my head. She would get angry and red-faced as she recounted the images in my head of Kelly shoving me into lockers, cutting my hair in class, ripping my homework to shreds before school. But she only got small glimpses and had to focus with all her strength just for that.

To get Alicia to conscientiously go invisible Ms. Pierce had me use her for target practice. Only with aiming at an actual person, I was only able to send three out of the ten baseballs flying. Two went wild while the last one got dangerously close to Alicia's head. She yelped and in doing so flickered in and out like an old television picture. Ms. Pierce seemed pleased with it but the day was coming to an end. She sent us all off to dinner with instructions for Wes and Declan to report back to her after eating. Apparently, she had some after hours testing set up for them.

At dinner, everyone looked exhausted while they quietly picked at their food. Even Lolly, who was always so full of energy, looked like she would fall asleep sitting at the table at any second. Everyone was so quiet that I nearly jumped out of my skin when Mr. B showed up out of nowhere.

"Shaw, Coleman, don't forget to report back downstairs after you eat."

With that, he eyed all of us one last time before walking away.

"Well, I'm done," Declan announced picking up his tray and walking off.

Wes stood to follow him but before walking off he turned back around and asked, "Chloe, you mind walking with me a minute?"

I had hardly eaten but honestly, after today I wasn't even hungry. It was as if I was so full of information that my body had no room for food.

Nodding, I got up from the table and tossed my food away before following Wes out into the hall. Declan was nowhere in sight, he must have already headed for the basement.We walked down the hall towards the stairs before Wes turned around stopping me in my tracks.

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