Chapter 1 : The Beginning Of Us

Start from the beginning

"Mummy's inside!!", Haejin said, bouncing a little.

"Hiiiiiii!!", Sojin exclaimed once Jisoo walked through the front door.

"Unnie!! Hi!!", Jisoo exclaimed as she put her niece down to hug her sister, "How are you?", she asked her big sister.

"I'm fine, you? How's mum and dad?", Sojin asked.

"They're fine!!", she smiled.

"That's good, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to come visit these past few weeks, there are so many cases to go through.", her sister sighed, she is a lawyer at one of the best firms in Korea.

"No, unnie, it's fine!! Where's Haein oppa? Is he working?", Jisoo asked.

"Yes, he'll be gone for a couple of nights.", she shrugged.

"Well, that's what you get for marrying a pilot.", Jisoo teased and her sister just laughed, "Anyway, I really missed you, can I stay over for dinner?", she asked.

"Why are you even asking that? You know you're welcomed anytime.", her sister smiled.

"Yeah!! Aunt Jisoo is staying over!!", Haejin jumped up and down excitedly.

"Naww look at you.", she laughed as she stroked her niece's head, "Unnie, someone bumped into my car earlier and it got dented.", Jisoo said suddenly, looking up at her sister.

"What? Are you serious? Are you okay?", she asked concerned.

"Yes I'm fine, but the car's not!!", she huffed.

"How careless can you be? Make sure you get it fixed before dad finds out, you know he gets sensitive when it comes to these kind of things.", her sister reminded her.

"I will.", she sighed. She had dinner with her sister and niece that night, peacefully and she felt good to finally catch up with her sister, she missed her so much.


That night after spending a couple hours after work at her sister's house, she made her way back home and just rested on her bed, going through some of her emails.

Suddenly, someone knocked on her door, it was her parents.

"Yes?", she said as she sat up straight.

"Jisoo, we have something to tell you.", her mother said cautiously.


"What?!!! Mum, no way. I'm not getting married to some girl I don't know.", Jinyoung exclaimed as he raked his hair back.

"But Jinyoung she's sweet and polite, and she's also pretty, trust us, she suits you.", his mother encouraged.

"Mum, I believe she is, but I don't even know her, it won't work okay, why did you go behind my back? I don't want to get married, no.", Jinyoung said, "I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions.", he sighed.

"I know that, but trust us, she's a great girl.", his mother said, "Besides your father and Mr Yoon have been great friends, he has helped your father through so much during their student days.", his mother added. Jinyoung just sighed in response, "At least think about it, I'll get going first.", his mother said walking out of his room.

Jinyoung raked his hair back in frustration, not knowing what to say. He is not looking for anyone to get attached with at the moment and getting married is the last thing he wants to do, at least not now.

Suddenly his sister knocked on his door and walked into his room.

"Hello stranger.", his sister said, "You haven't been home in so long.", his sister said.

"Hello to you too.", Jinyoung said as he sat up straight.

"How's work?", Jiyeon asked.

"It's fine, how's this new flight attendant doing? having fun travelling?", Jinyoung smirked.

"I'm doing fine.", his sister responded, "But anyway, you should just agree with mum you know.., I came in here to let you know that mum and dad won't set you up to something they know won't work, just agree to what they asked you to do.", his sister said cautiously, "I know I'm just your little sister but seriously.", she said symphatetically. Jinyoung sighed heavily as he lied back down.

"But this is a marriage we're talking about, you're 23, what do you know about marriage.", Jinyoung said nonchalantly.

"I know I'm still young but I know mum won't set any of her kids up to no good and I know its a huge deal, but they just want whats best for you, besides mum has been worried that you've been miserable eversince Taera-"

"Do you have to mention her name?", Jinyoung said bluntly, cutting his sister off as he sat up.

"Okay, I'm sorry, but believe me, you'll be alright, I've heard about this girl, she's perfect for you.", his sister smiled.

"I'll think about it.", Jinyoung mumbled.

"Great, I'm going to get an older sister!! Yes!!", Jiyeon exclaimed, "Believe me, she's great!", she smiled.

"I haven't decided and what? Have I not been a good brother?", Jinyoung joked.

"Of course you have but you won't go to the mall and do manicures and shopping with me would you?", she raised an eyebrow.

"You have a point.", he pointed out as he chuckled, "But you know I always spoil you.", Jinyoung added and Jiyeon rolled her eyes playfully.


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