" Hey boo! " She exclaimed once her bags were in. We embraced each other in a big hug.

" I miss you! You look so good. " I pulled back as she did a cute twirl.

" A constant slay. " I said dipping into a curtsy.

I walk around getting into the car. She gets in as well as I pull off. " I'm so glad you were able to come down! " I say looking in my side view to merge onto the highway.

" I can't believe it either. I'm just happy to be able to see you E. How have you been? You all down here in the country. " She says.

" I've been fine. Cyrus and I had a few bumps but we are solid. " I reply.

" Speaking of... Where is he at? " She looked around the truck.

" He's at Home. " I reply. " Well, when I was leaving he was on his way to his mother's house. "

" Oh. I thought you said he wasn't talking to her right now. "

" He isn't but she agreed to meet with him to talk. That's still his mother. " I shrug.

" That spat racial slurs at you. Fuck her! " She shouted.

I look at her briefly at how extra she was. " That's still his mother. If he cares enough to have a relationship still with her then so be it. "

" Hopefully I have a run in with her ass so I can give her piece of my mind. " She scoffs looking out of the window. " Anyways, where are we about to go? "

" We are going to get something to eat. Then, later we will see a movie. "

" Wake me up when we get there then. " She places her headphones in shutting her eyes.

*Cyrus P.O.V*

I arrived at Mom's house after a quiet ride. I had to rent a car since I gave Elian the keys to my truck. I felt an overbearing nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not for talking to her, but from what I would do If I find out she had something to do with everything that has happened. The gate buzzed and began to open up.

I inhaled deeply before pulling forward. My heart pounded anxiously as I drove in. I could see Dad's car parked in its usual spot. The sprinklers spewed water out onto the law in a circular motion hitting my window. I came to a stop, shitting off the car and getting out.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I neared the front door. Everything looked the same but felt so much different. I run the doorbell twice awaiting an answer. After a nice minute, the door opened. Dad stood there stepping aside for me to enter.

" Hey, Dad. " I speak ignoring his mean mug.

He shuts the door. " This way. " He says walking past me not even replying to my greeting. I follow behind him towards the dining area. Mom was already sitting at the table sipping on her coffee. Dad took a seat as she looked up to me.

" Have a seat. " She places her mug down onto the table. I pull out a chair and sit down. There was an uncomfortable silence that filled the air. " So what is it that you wanted to talk about? " She smiled sliding her mug away from her.

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