Race Against Time

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As Sakura peeled the label off, she exclaimed she found something. "There's more" Sakura said as I looked over to her. "What does it say?" Gaara asked as he hurried over to it.

"It says 'Use this tool carefully my daughters and use it wisely. Once used, it cannot be used again. There is no known cure for it yet so maybe in the future there is. We know that it's the only thing you have from us, but we are sorry we can't watch you two grow up. Love from your mum and dad x'

I gasped for air now and I shook and the blood which came out of me turned dark red, almost black. "Gaara, transport us to the office of Lady Tsunade please!" Sakura yelled and Gaara came over to me before he nodded. He placed a kiss on my forehead and sent us away to the office of Lady Tsunade.

"Sakura? Sasuke? What are you-" as she stopped mid-sentence to see me panting in Sasuke's arms. "W-What happened?!" she yelled as she ran over to us and touched my forehead to find it burning. "She fell in her cupboard and this kunai stabbed her. It's poisonous and kills within an twenty-four hours" Sasuke explained as Lady Tsunade told us to come into another room filled with medical equipment.

"Place her there, I need to see where about the poison is going to go before it's too late" Tsunade spoke as Sasuke placed me on a table. I felt him and Sakura watch me as I felt a warm pair of hands touch me. My shirt was ripped at the bottom and I heard them all wince. "W-what?" I asked and Sakura ran out gagging.

"My god... Was this a clans secret weapon? I've never seen anything like it. The poison is travelling to your organs first. First, the poison will travel to your liver, causing you not to fight the poison and the fatality of it. And the amount of blood in you will change from time to time. Second, it will travel to your stomach, making you throw up quite abit and the food which hasn't been digested in your intestines, will also be thrown up. Thirdly, it will reach your brain, making you not being able to move so you will be paralysed. Fourth, it will affect your lungs, meaning breathing and your respirational system won't function properly.. Then your heart, shutting down if the antidote isn't found. Each had the space of four and a half hours each"

Tsunade explained while she looked up to me. I looked down at the wound and it was purple with black markings surrounding it. The black marks kept entering and exiting the wound and made the pain grow worse. "I've... seen this before" I whispered as my memories floated back to when I was close to turning eleven.


"Hey Natsu, shall we go out and play?" Hana asked me and I nodded straight away with my pouch located on my leg. "Can we do weapon practice?" I asked and she nodded back. "Yeah sure. You need to improve on your natural skill though. Race ya!" as she ran off. "No fair! You had a head start!" I yelled as I ran after her.

Just when I was close to her, she vanished from my sight and I was caught in somebody's arms. "Hey, nice looking girl here boss, what shall we do?". My heart shuddered and I shouted for help but nobody came. Instead, I felt a pair of arms snake round me and touched me up. "Nice figure for a girl like you" they breathed until I kicked them and leapt off, looking for Hana.

I saw her on the field with a kunai in her hand and shaking slightly. She was panting heavily and I noticed all her chakra was almost gone. "Where's my sister?!" she growled and the man laughed. "Feisty aren't we? What cha gonna do? Cut me?" he laughed and instantly, a gash was placed onto his cheek. I ran out of the bushes and got grabbed by another pair of hands. "Bad girl running off like that" they said and Hana pulled three knives out and nodded at me.

I leapt out of their arms and leapt high enough for Hana to join me. "Go, I'll be fine!" she yelled but I refused. "I will help you!" as I pulled a box out with a kunai in it. "One shot" I said as I gave it to her. "Okay". We leapt down and kicked their faces and I slashed them in the throats with my normal kunai till there was only one man remaining. The one with the gash on his cheek. "One against two... I don't think so" he growled and we stood back. "We fight as one" we said in unison as we joined hands. I started to spin round and threw Hana at the man as the kunai in the box was in her hand. He pulled out a large sword and when Hana hit him in the chest, he lifted his sword to hit Hana but I held it back.

"Die without honour" she said as the wound glew purple and black markings entered and left the hole, making him cry in pain. "There is no cure" Hana hissed as we started to walk back and away from him. Just when we saw him choking, I heard Hana gasp and I looked at her to find a sword going through her chest. It went straight through her and she coughed up blood. "You..." I growled as it was another man. He was the one who held me and touched me up. "Phahaha!!!" he laughed evilly and I got a plain kunai and stabbed him in the head with it. Blood spewed everywhere.

I ran over to Hana and she was breathing a little till I saw her eyes widened and threw herself front of me as the man with the markings threw a sword into her. She pulled it out crying and threw it at his head, killing him instantly and she fell to the ground. "HANA!!!" I cried as I held her close to my chest. I transported us to the hospital and after hours of waiting, the doctor came out and told me something that broke my heart.

"She's... She's not going to make it Natsu... I'm sorry... She has a couple of minutes left before she passes. You may see her in her final minutes" he said before walking away. I ran straight into the room and pulled out a scroll and a box. "Natsu.. What are you-" "Be quiet Hana. I'm gonna make you stay. It only works for five years and needs re-doing at the same time, same day." I said and her eyes widened.

"Don't... I don't deserve it" she coughed but I held her hand. "I'm not losing you Hana. You will be with me" I took a kunai and cut off her hair and placed it into the box meanwhile a few strands was placed onto the stroll. I put my hand into the wound and took some of her blood and my blood and wrote on the scroll several things.

"Natsu..." she said quietly as I knew she was going. "Hold on!" I said crying and I held her hand, finishing the scroll off. "By the clan we were once, I bestow your soul into mine forever. Every five years, the process will be repeated till I die or the scroll is burnt. Hana, your soul will join mine now" I said as she looked at me smiling warmly. "Thank you.........Natsu...I.....I...love you..........." she said before her eyes closed and the machines she was on stopped beeping.

Flashback End

A tear fell from my eyes and closed remembering her last words."Thank you.........Natsu...I.....I...love you...........". Her warm smile greeted me but I wanted to stay with her forever. She was my one and only. I loved her more than anything else.

"I'll see what I can do" I heard Tsunade say suddenly as her hands grew green and when it came in contact with the wound, I screamed with terror and she moved her hands away. "Unbelievable" she muttered and behind her, I saw Hana stood there. "Hana!" I yelled as Tsunade turned round to see nobody there.

"Natsu, stay focused" Tsunade said and Hana came to me. "There is a cure" she whispered and my eyes widened. "W-Where?" I asked a little loud and she looked around. "In the sand village, there is a oasis and there, lies a plant which is green and opens once a day. It's flower is purple and its poison can be extracted from there and can stop the toxins of the poison in your body. It opens at mid day, and only remains open for ten minutes. Once cut, the plant lives for an hour before it is useless" she said and I nodded. "Can... Can Gaara.. F-Find it? I asked her and she nodded. "Yes... Now hurry" she finished and Tsunade and Sasuke watched me.

Dreams of Gaara and Nightmares of Sasuke. (Gaara Love Story) (Finished)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant