Sand, Blood And White Walls

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Sand poured out of Gaara's gourd and wrapped round Sasuke. Sasuke's lower body began to cover with sand and his body was consumed. I stood back watching and began to cry.

I noticed that Sasuke saw me weep and growled angrily into Gaara's face. "Nobody makes MY Natsu cry!" Sasuke hissed as he lifted his body from the ground with tremendous force and lifted Gaara by the collar of his top.

"You want another Chidori like the old times?!" He yelled as he threw Gaara across the wall, letting his head hit it first. 'Old times?! What is he talking about? Wait! Wasn't it in the Chunin Exams they fought?!'


I saw Sasuke running at full speed at this point vertically from the arenas walls. "Go Sasuke!!" I heard Sakura scream with excitement but was barely heard as birds were chirping from Sasuke's hand.

His hand glew a faint light blue and his speed increased with each individual step. I saw the red-haired boy before closing a sand shield around himself.

He looked like a murderer. Sasuke finally threw his arm into the defense and a few seconds later, a large yell in terror emerged from the boys defence and Sasuke tried to rip his entire arm out of the defence.

As he did, a large arm came and threw itself out of the sphere and got sucked back in...

Flashback End

My tears stopped as I saw Gaara being thrown and his head contacted the wall first. "Gaara!" I yelled as I pulled him up from the ground.

His eyes were yellow now and he was getting furious. Luckily, no blood was drawn...yet. Too focused on Gaara, he suddenly threw a warning to me. "Natsu.. Move!" he yelled dazed to me. I was to frightened to move. Just before Sasuke took me, Gaara leapt in the way and open hands got thrown round Gaara's neck, squeezing his throat.

Gaara gasped but wrapped his hands round Sasuke's throat in response. I had to do something but cry with fright. I leapt on Sasuke and raged his hair, pulling strands out viciously and placed my head on his neck and bit it.

I drew blood and it tasted like rusted metal. It tasted horrible but I kept it up. "Natsu!" Sasuke yelled as he tried to shake me from his back. I latched into him tightly by wrapping my legs round his waist and my arms on his neck and was still drawing blood.

I wouldn't give up; It was my turn to fight now. Gaara had saved me many times now, now it was my turn. Sasuke let his hands leave Gaara's neck and latched his hands onto my top, throwing me off him and into the white wall.

My head contacted it first and knocked me out instantly. My beautiful sapphire eyes turned a light grey and drool left my mouth. I felt a thick liquid seep from my head and spread throughout the floor. Dazed, I looked at the once white wall, to be smeared with blood.

I heard them two continue to fight and growls escaped their mouths. Punches were still being thrown but I couldn't see no more. "Tell me... That you hate me more than anything in the world!" I heard one of them growl to each other. It was Gaara who said it.

His voice was cold and filled with anger. It was like Shukaku was wanting to break free from its cage. All that Gaara was now was a host, but Shukaku held power and it lingered in the air. His aura seeped from Gaara's body and filled the room with bloodlust.

I wanted this to end. It was like a bad dream and when I woke up, none of this would had ever happened. But this was real, they always fought because of me. Gaara wanting to protect me and Sasuke wanting to hurt me.

Maybe if my life ended... It may be more peaceful around here. 'No more... please...... please...........'. I thought as my mind started to go blank. I was swirling in darkness now and no light was visible.

* * * * * * *

"Natsu... Natsu? Wake up... Please" I heard pulling me out of the darkness. It was like an angel found me and was going to take me to God. Thank God that this angel was being sent as the light in front of me grew.

"Natsu..." I heard again next to me. I wasn't going to God yet. I opened my silent dull eyes and the light above me blinded me. I automatically closed them and placed my arm onto my eyes, shielding them.

It took me a few minutes to adjust to the light though and I removed my arm, just to find it penetrated with tubes and needles.

After a few minutes, I started to see four figures stood in front of me. I was surrounded by white walls and it smelt like somebody used the bacterial killer too much. Then I realised.. I was in a hospital "Natsu! You're awake!" I heard a girl scream into my ear as a large hug was wrapped round my chest.

I smelt cherry blossom shampoo and I realised it was Sakura. "Natsu what happened?" She asked as she stared into my eyes. I thought for a moment but I couldn't think. "I... I can't remember" I whispered as she continued to stare at me.

I knew she heard me as she shook me gently. "What... What do you mean you can't remember" she said back to me sadly. I thought again but my head throbbed with intense pain.

I grasped my head and felt rough material strapped onto it. I looked up to her and she sighed "Apparently, you fell in the medical room and smashed your head open. Gaara and Sasuke helped you but..." she stopped half way through a sentence as she looked down to the floor.

I was curious as I looked deep within her orbs. "What happened to them?" I asked her as she looked up at me sadly. I could see it in her eyes that she didn't want to tell me but she forced it out of her system. "They're both... They're both in intensive care Natsu..."

Dreams of Gaara and Nightmares of Sasuke. (Gaara Love Story) (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now