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Alanna sat not far from the throne where she was able to hear what was being said extremely clearly. She sat there listening to witness after witness and couldn't help but feel bad for Tyrion.

He had been nothing but kind to her since her arrival and it was hard for her to believe that the man was capable - or stupid enough for that matter - to posion the king and kill him in front of a wedding full of different nobilities.

But there she sat, her hands attempting to stay away from holding her belly as to not raise suspicions that she was pregnant with Lord Tywin's child and the two of them not even married yet.

The last thing she needed was to upset Tywin and have nasty rumors going around that Alanna Stark was his mistress.

He already had to deal with this.

A few maids, a few squires, and even Sansa's handmaid Shae - for whatever reason - spoke against Tyrion. It was only later through the hearing did she learn that Shae had been Tyrion's mistress which made sense as to why she had been brought forth and spoke so strongly against Tyrion.

After the trial had adjourned and people started filing out of the room, Alanna staid seated and watching as everyone else went to leave.

"Enjoying the show?"

Alanna turned and seen Cersei standing there with a forced small smile upon her lips. Alanna never left eyes with the woman.

"Hardly. It's awful to think that a family with such strong family values would turn against one another like this."

Cersei gave a small chuckle and nodded her head.

"My brother was never really family. He's a bastard in the eyes of my father due to his deformities. Which is why father needs more heirs. Tyrion will die for his crimes and then Casterly Rock will need another son to take it."

"Forgive me, your grace, but your Lord Father seems to be needing me."

Cersei hushed and turned to see Tywin standing there waiting, watching the two of them closely and Alanna even closer. Cersei made a sound under her breath as she turned back and gave Alanna a small smile once more.

"Yes, of course, run along to my Lord father."

She said as Alanna gave a small bow and proceeded toward Tywin, feeling the Queen's glare burning a hole in her back.

Climbing the steps to the throne Alanna took Tywin's outstretched hand as he went and escorted her out the back way of the throne room.

"My daughter still attempting to dig her claws into you?"

"She's grieving. She doesn't know what she's doing right now."

"I imagine you speak from experience."

Alanna nodded. When nearly all of her family had died Alanna wasn't in her right mind either. She just wanted to die and be with them like anyone else who had ended up loving someone too much and then losing them.

"I have something for you. A suprise if you will."

Tywin said as he walked Alanna through the hallway. She arched a brow as she allowed Tywin to lead her. She didn't know where they were headed and she didn't understand what could Tywin possibly have for her?

Her questioned seemed to be answered however when Tywin took her into a large room and there stood the man that was prepared to marry the two of them.



Tywin said as he looked down at her. His green-golden gaze linger on her blue-golden ones.

"You're to have my child and with the trail so close to being done, I will have much work ahead of myself. Best we do this now, while I have the time."

"I understand."

She said with a small nod and Tywin's lips twitched.

It seemed she did indeed understand.



Alanna cried out as her - now - husband thrusted into her. Her whole body rocking with Tywin as she arched into him. The elder man grunted grabbing the underside of her left leg and pushed it back, allowing for Tywin a closer contact with her.

Her eyes closed tightly being tangled around his limbs in his -- no in their bed.

Their marraige ceremony had been quick and very simple. To be honest Alanna hadn't figured Tywin would have moved the wedding up so suddenly with so much happening. She could understand, but she wouldn't have guessed.

"Let me hear you."

He growled causing for Alanna to moan out loudly. With every thrust he gave came a loud yelp from Alanna's lips. Her fingers dug into Tywin's back causing the proud old lion to growl louder. His lips decended upon her as it was passionate and wanting.

The fire between their body's was something that Alanna had never thought she'd feel before with anyone. And most certainly not with the master powerful man in Westroes.

Feeling his lips part from hers and kisses being placed all down her exposed neck Alanna cried out and came, her lower body quivering from the continuation from Tywin.

He grunted but kept pushing forward driving his thobbing cock into her.

He watched closely as her body shivered and shook again as she cried out once more cumming again.

Tywin let go as well spilling his seed into her already pregnant belly before he collapsed against her.

"Tywin, you're squishing me."

She whimpered causing the old lion to smirk before he rolled over and laid down beside her. He looked at her tired expression and damp hair that had been soaked in sweat.

He just continued to gaze upon her as she laid there naked in their bed -- they were married and Tywin could hardly believe it himself.

What was once a stand off before a proud lion and an equally proud wolf turned into one of the most peculiar relationships he'd ever seen.

Something that he never expected to work out. Something that he expected would have ended in her beheaded and him an attempted assassination.

But he was wrong for once.

"You've done rather well for yourself."

Tywin spoke up causing Alanna to look at him oddly as if questioning him. He chuckled and looked to his wife.

"Queen of the North and the Rock. Those are rather impressive titles. Ones you should be proud to have."

"I am no Queen of the North. I suppose however the Rock is now my home isn't it?"

"Yes, it is."

"Will you send me there now?"

Tywin could tell that she had worry in her tone. She had already spoken once about not wishing to leave him and he hadn't given her an answer on if he'd send her away or not after they were married.

He laid there equally naked beside her laying atop the blankets and sheets. He just looked at his once wild wolf - his still wild wolf - and pondered over her request.

"I send you away now would be idiocy. We're in the mist of a trail and you are Master of Laws. You're needed here now more than ever."

Tywin informed her. She just looked at him before a large smile came to her lips and she rolled over onto her side. Her hand finding Tywin's cheek as she pushed her lips onto his, still smiling as she kissed him.

His hand fell upon her hip and he groaned a bit into the kiss. Pulling away slightly he looked at her and inhaled deeply through his nose.

He never would have believed himself to be married again. And he never believed it to be such a young beauty that belonged to a Stark girl.

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