Game of Thrones

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"What ever is the matter?"

Tywin questioned the next morning. Alanna had joined him in his room of the Hand while he worked. She sat looking out the window, not making the slightest noise as she was lost deep in her thoughts about last night at dinner.

Her blue-golden gaze slowly turned from the sunny outside world to the one that was inside the room. Alanna looked at Tywin and had noticed that he had stopped writing on his parchment and his attention was solely on her.

"Apologies, I'm just thinking."

"And what pray tell has been on your mind since you entered in through that door? What's so important?"

His gaze was stoic, his tone anything but kind, which caused Alanna's heart to ache.

There were times when Tywin would be kind to her, nothing but kind to be honest, but today he seemed to be on his last nerve and she didn't understand why. She understood that Tywin Lannister was not a kind man - his history told her that - so she expected him to one day turn back to his old self, she just wished that today was not that day.

"Last night, during dinner, Cersei was anything but kind to me in front of not only her children, but Margaery as well. I'm just... I'm just thinking about some of the things she said."

"Such as?"

Tywin now sat up straight in his chair seeming to be slightly curious about what it was his daughter had to say. He knew that she had been on a roll as of late with being rather rude toward the woman sitting not far from him and being honest it irked him.

Seeing Alanna upset over the fact that Cersei didn't approve of his own actions - he was her father be damned - which he was more than capable of doing whatever the hell he pleased. Knowing that his future wife was upset shouldn't have bothered him in the matter that it did, which was odd.

"That... it doesn't matter Tywin, you're busy, the last thing you need is to listen to my problems."

She said softly causing Tywin to sigh through his nose and stand from his chair. He walked out from around his desk and toward the table. Alanna watched him carefully as he came closer. He stopped and picked up the jug of wine that was on the very same table and poured them both a cup.

He picked up her cup once he was done pouring and placed it in front of her.

"You are to be my wife. If you are feeling unwelcomed it's my job as your husband to fix it."

He told her as if it was a fact that Alanna should have known from the start.

She watched as Tywin took to the chair across from her at the small round table. They looked at one another as they both sat there with their cups in their hands.

"Margaery made the comment that you must admire me, since you asked for my hand. Cersei apparently didn't like someone putting that idea in my head. She, um, she went onto saying how you were a smart man and seen my age as a... benefit to giving you heir after heir until you were satisfied."

Alanna said softly. Tywin didn't say anything only shaking his head and scoffed. He didn't bother looking at Alanna and instead he looked out the window. The silence wasn't as ideal as all the previous times.

"I swear, sometimes I think that I should have hit her more growing up."

Alanna sat there looking at Tywin wide-eyed. Did he honestly just say that what he had about hitting his daughter? She swallowed softly and suddenly became nervous. Tywin noticed this when he turned his gaze back toward Alanna.

"She's spoiled. And I guess I'm the one to blame. She wanted something she had it. She wanted to become Queen -- I gave it to her."

"You can't blame yourself for the way she is Lord Tywin."

Alanna said softly, her fingers letting go of the wine cup as she placed it on the table before her. Tywin looked at her for a moment longer before he allowed his head to lean back slight and arched his brow looking at her.

"Why do you do that?"

She looked at him confused, obviously not knowing what he meant.

"Calling me "Lord" when we are to be wed. There's no further need for that, Alanna. I stopped calling you Lady Stark some time ago."

"Apologies, Tywin, I was taught respect. It's a hard thing to break calling you this all these years."

"At least you have respect. I can't honestly say that for my daughter."

Tywin said following your lead and placing his cup down as well. He passed for a brief moment and then allowed his hand to fall flat onto the table.

"You will tell me right away the next time someone says something I'll mannered toward you. I don't care if it be a maid or Joffery, I won't stand for my family to be insulted."

"I'm not your family."

"No, not yet. But you will be. You'll be a Lannister and part of the Lannisters that actually matter. You're going to be held to high standards and in return nobody is to disrespect you."

"Because I am Lannister?"

Tywin nodded.

"Because you are Lannister."

Alanna lowered her head for a moment and sighed. A thought crossed her mind and she raised her head again to look at Tywin and noticed that he was still looking at her.

"Why did you ask for my hand, Tywin?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm... I'm just curious that's all."

"Cersei's words still swimming in your head?"

It was as if he hit the nail on the head. Alanna swallowed and gave a sharp nod causing Tywin's gaze to become stoic once again.

"And do you believe them?"

His question was simple, but it was one that made her heart stop when he asked. Truth was she didn't really know. Tywin had a reputation for being the private man he was. Being the type of man who would never marry again to someone else after his wife's death. The type of man who was cruel to his own son because he was a dwarf.

Alanna placed a hand on her chest over her heart.

"I'm not sure. I don't think so because -- because when Cersei said those things... my heart ached. It was as if I didn't want to believe them, but they were implanted in my mind after that."

"Heart ache hmm?"

Tywin hummed seemingly almost amused by her answer. Alanna cocked a brow as she looked at Tywin. Then she noticed the small smug smile that was on his lips, the smile seemed to reach his gaze.

Standing up from his chair, Tywin leaned over Alanna and captured her in a suprise, but welcomed, kiss.

She pressed her lips back against his and kissed him. She felt his hand reach around her cheek and hold her there against him. After a brief moment he pulled away, gave her a smaller kiss on the lips, and looked at her.

"If you want to survive the game of thrones, I suggest you use your intelligence and that witty tongue of yours to keep up with everyone else."

"But... she's the Queen?"

"And your soon to be daughter. Like I said, use that brain of yours and she'll soon stop."

He told her causing her to nod which in return so did he.

"Good. Now, I have work to finish, try not to look so sad, you're far too stunning to pout."

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