Don't Send Me Away

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"The royal wedding is today."

Alanna spoke outloud in Tywin's presences. The man looked over at his soon to be wife, her back currently to him as she gazed out the window. He nodded, even though knowing that she could not see it.

"Yes. Joffery is to marry Margaery Tyrell."

He spoke up as he finished buttoning up his red tunic. Alanna turned around and noticed that for the first time she seen Tywin in some other color than black. She understood why he wore black, it was the color for mourning.

Even after all these years he still mourned for his fallen love Lady Joanna Lannister.

Alanna often found herself wondering if Tywin treated her the same he treated Joanna? He was nothing but kind to her, as she had often heard the same toward his late wife.

"When are we to be married?"

Tywin arched a brow as he glanced Alanna's way. He took into consideration that she may have been slightly on edge with her hand on her stomach. She was so far along and the last thing that either of them wanted was for their child to be born a bastard.

"Shortly after Joffery is married. A moon, perhaps?"

She nodded and stepped toward Tywin. She was far along enough now to the point where she had to have a bigger dress and she had two guards escorting her everywhere she went. Tywin may have won the war, but that did not mean that all their enemies were destroyed.

The last thing he needed was something happening to Alanna and his child that could have been prevented by the simple time given by a few guards.

Tywin was pulled from his thoughts by the soft touch upon his chest. Blinking slowly he looked down at Alanna, whom had touched him softly with the palm of her hand. Her bright blue-golden eyes gazed upon his green-golden ones.

A deep frown placed upon her lips as she watched him closely as if trying to read his ever stoic expression.

"Promise me something?"

She questioned keeping her gaze locked with his. He was silent which she figured was her key to continue. Her eyes softened greatly as her lips parted.

"Promise me that once we are married you won't send me away to Casterly Rock?"

Tywin took a sharp breath through his nose. Her request wasn't unreasonable, just unexpected. He'd be lying if he had said that the idea of sending her away hadn't ever crossed his mind.

Genna would take care of both her and the child, making sure that both had what they needed had he sent her back to the Rock. And after everything that she had been through, he would have thought that she'd been more than happy to give up her postion as Master of Laws and move far, far away from this place.

Kings Landing - Tywin was soon finding out - wasn't the best place for her. Between Cersei throwing a fit everytime the woman even took a breath and Alanna's near death he worried much more than he ever believed was humanly possible for him.


He wanted to know and to try and understand her reasoning as to why she refused to leave. Was if perhaps because her sister was still here? Well, if that was the case then the sooner Tyrion did his job and Sansa became pregnant the sooner she too could go to Casterly Rock.

"Why do you wish to stay in a place that only brings you misery?"

Alanna refused to lower her gaze even though she so much wished to at that moment. Instead she inhaled sharply through her nose and continued to look at Tywin.

"Because you're here."

Tywin hadn't expected such an answer. He had expected that it was because of her sister or her job as Master of Laws. Never had he believed for a second that she would have wished to remain here by his side after everything that she had been through -- even been through with him.

Tywin's eyes flickered from hers to the open window hearing the bells ringing off in the distance.

"We're going to be late. Come."

He ordered holding out his arm so that she could interlock with him. She lowered her gaze finally and took his offer of the arm. It was then Tywin lead them out of the room and to the wedding.

Where Tywin Lannister had one more good reason to send Alanna away immediately after their wedding.

The King was murdered.

Tywin Lannister || Taken || Game of ThronesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara