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"I'm not sure I understand?"

Alanna said softly looking at Tywin. Several days had passed since she had been taken captive by the Lannister. Now it seemed that they were moving camp to Harrenhal and taking her with them.

"What don't you understand? The fact that we're leaving or the fact that you're coming with?"

Tywin questioned looking up from his papers.

It had been a rough couple of days for him. Jamie was still missing and nobody in his council seemed to really give a damn about his son. And with Robb Stark advancing they needed to move to a more secure location.

Alanna tightened the grip on her hand as she stood there holding them together in front of her.

"The last."

She said watching as Tywin stopped writing down whatever it was he had been working on when she entered the tent. He sighed deeply and leaned back straight in his chair.

His jaw wiggled around a bit before it set. Alanna felt as if she had been put on the spot the way Tywin's strong gaze roamed her body for a moment before landing on her own eyes.

"Because I say so."

He told her. Alanna's jaw set and Tywin noticed. The silence set in and he watched as her throat bobbed a bit as she swallowed. However, Alanna didn't find the silence the problem, it was Tywin's gaze.

The old lion had the most transcending gaze she had ever seen on anyone -- beautiful almost, if it wasn't so deadly.

"How long am I to remain your guest?"

"Until I find another purpose for you."

"What you mean to say is until my usefulness has ran its course. When my brother dies, can I expect the same?"

Tywin arched a brow. Her voice was strong and her head held high. He lowered his head a bit, eyeing her from his slanted gaze.

"You believe your brother is going to lose."

"Tyrion once told me that a Lannister always pays their debts. Yours is to kill my brother. As much as I hate to admit it, Robb will die by your hand one way or another."

Tywin couldn't help but find a slight amusement from the young woman before him. She was young, yes. But she was also oddly wise for her age. She was certainly far smarter than his own daughter that much was certain.

He looked at her for a moment longer before he stood up from his chair. Her eyes watched him as he walked to a small side table that stood against the wall of his tent that held a jug and some glasses.

Tywin poured one glass and then turned on his heels and walked right before Alanna. He stopped and held out the glass for her. She looked at it before quickly looking up at Tywin.

Reaching out she took the glass, brushing his calloused fingers as she did. He then dropped his arm and returned to fetch his own drink.

"You're a smart woman. And young. Both are a deadly combination against anyone standing on the wrong side."

Tywin said turning back around to face Alanna as he took a sip of his wine. He seen that she merely held hers in both hands, holding it up around her chest.

"That being said, any man would be cautious about which side he stands on."

"Are you trying to say you want on my good side, Lord Tywin?"

"And if I do?"

He questioned leaving the witty girl puzzled for a moment. Why on earth would Tywin want something as to be her allie? True, once her brother dies, she is the next in line for the throne of the North being the eldest.

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