More Than The Eye

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"When is the wedding?"

Ser Kevan asked as he had joined Alanna and Tywin for dinner. Alanna had kept to herself mostly, only answering when spoken to at this point. Kevan, Alanna found, was much different from his elder brother Tywin.

The man would laugh and crackling a smile every now and again during conversation. And needless to say Tywin had informed his brother about the marriage.

"Once the war is over and we return to King's Landing. After that, Alanna will be joining your wife at Casterly Rock along with Genna."

Tywin informed his brother. Kevan nodded his head with a sharp wave before he looked to Alanna. He noticed the young girl's quietness all throughout dinner.

"No doubt you've got a lot on your mind, Lady Stark?"

Kevan questioned causing the girl to look up at him finally. He was smiling softly at her and the smile reflected in his own eyes. She nodded quickly before clearing her throat.

"Yes, my sister Sansa is still at King's Landing. I'm rather excited to see her again."

She said speaking only half the truth. The other half, well, it went unsaid for a good reason.

"No doubt she misses her elder sister? I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see a familiar face."

"Yes, I'm sure."

Alanna said glancing at Tywin and noticing his gaze was on her. She licked her dry lips and quickly looked away and picked up her glass, rising it to her lips to drink the wine to help her dry throat.

She was anxious and it had only become worse after knowing that Arya was here and serving as Tywin's cupbearer. She couldn't help but fear for her sister's life every waking moment. Her marraige to Tywin was no longer at the forefront of her mind, her younger sister had replaced that.

"She's certainly a quiet one."

Kevan mused looking to his brother. Alanna could still feel Tywin's gaze on her as she sat there sipping on her wine and eating her food slowly. Kevan arched a brow and found amusement and slight astonishment for his brother and his behavior in watching his bride to be.

"Yes, when she's not full of wit."

Tywin said turning his gaze from Alanna finally and looking to his brother. Kevan chuckled a bit and took a drink from his own cup.

"I can hardly imagine."

He jester as the meal then fell quiet shortly after.

The three of them finished up their meal and Kevan bid them both a good night before he retired to his own chambers.

Alanna went to stand slowly, only for Tywin's voice to cause her pause in her movements.

"Wait, sit."

He said causing Alanna to do just that. Now that it was just the two of them there alone in his chambers, Alanna found herself rather uncomfortable.

"Somethings on your mind. What is it?"

Tywin questioned, his voice calm and cool while he spoke. Alanna shifted her head a bit and looked at Tywin. She wore a frown upon her lips and her eyes seemed tired, Tywin noted.

"I'm just worried about things. Silly things that I cannot control."

She told the old lion. Tywin inhaled through his nose and nodded.

"I too find myself like that at times. And when I do, I do my best to find a distraction."

He told her looking into her eyes, seeing the flickering of the flames from his fireplace being reflected in her blue-golden gaze.

"Forgive me, my Lord, but it's rather hard to find a distraction when I'm trapped in my room."

"Trapped you say?"

"The guards. I cannot leave my room unless I'm summoned by you."

Tywin hummed, his hand resting under his chin and his finger grazing his lips. He watched her closely as she looked at him.

"It's for your protection. So that I know you're safe."

"Is it? I assumed it was so that I could not escape?"

Tywin gave a small and breathy chuckle. He gave a slight wave of his hand removing it from his lips for a moment.

"Yes, well, that too."

He noted, his lips twitching as he tried to keep the smug smile from his lips, but was unable as he found the amusement once again in their conversation. He had nearly forgotten just how witty she was since he had been so busy planning this war against her brother.

"What do you enjoy doing?"

"What do I enjoy doing? You mean for fun?"

"Yes. Fun - passing the time, anything of the sort."

"Reading, my Lord."

At this Tywin arched a brow and nodded slowly.

"You can read?"

"Of course, my father taught me and all of my siblings."

"Odd for the father to teach his daughters to read."

"Cersei knows how to read doesn't she?"

Tywin was quiet for a moment as he shifted in his chair into a more up right position instead of the slightly slouched one he had been sitting in.

"Yes, she begged me to teach her because I taught Jamie."

Alanna nodded licking her lips again. She looked at Tywin, seeing that his gaze was still on her as they both sat there in the comforting silence together.

"Why do you ask, my Lord?"

"Well, you said you needed a distraction. And Harrenhal has quiet the extensive library. Surely there would be at least a handful of books in there that could keep you occupied until we return to King's Landing?"

Alanna was quiet for a long moment. She was having trouble wrapping her head around the nice gesture that Tywin Lannister had made toward her. Offering her books from the library to read at her leisure to help her keep from being board almost seemed uncharacterist of him.

But then again, her whole stay with him had been that way. From his manners toward his marriage proposal to her. She had always heard rumors whenever she would go to King's Landing for Robert's name day that Tywin was still grieving over his wife's death.

She figured this was why he always wore black whenever she had the chance of seeing him once a year as he attended the same event as herself.

So it shocked her greatly when the man was showing her a side of him that nobody else had ever seen. She wasn't even entirely sure if his own children ever saw this part of their father.

"That's... such a kind gesture my Lord, I'm not sure what to say but thank you."

Alanna said trying to still fathom his offer. Twyin gave a nod of his head still holding her gaze.

"You're welcome. I'll inform the guards that you're allowed to be escorted to the library whenever the notion hits."

He told her, his uncanny green-golden eyes never leaving hers as he spoke.

Maybe there was more to Tywin Lannister than she could have ever imagined?

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