Her Way

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Cersei was furious. And she was going to make sure that her father knew it. How dare he make that Stark girl into Master of Laws. She wasn't anything but a common whore, a wolf, someone that was beneath Cersei.

But now the damned woman had a title and it was all because if her own father.

Cersei found herself entering the room of the Hand. Her father at work per-usual.

"I cannot believe you right now."

Cersei scoffed as she walked into the room and stood before her father's desk.

"Hello to you too."

He scoffed dabbing his quill into the small cup of ink and continued writing his letter concerning the orders for the war. Cersei straightened her back as she inhaled through her nostrils.

Her father wasn't even looking at her; typical.

"Have you lost your bloody mind?"

She growled, which caused Tywin to turn his head up and give his child a look of warning on his stoic expression. Cersei felt her stomach drop, but never the less she continued.

"Making that Stark girl Master of Laws. She's suppose to be your wife. She's suppose to bear you heirs and nothing more -- "

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you - my child - was in charge of how I do things around here."

"That's not what I -- "

"No? By the simple fact that you just told me that Alanna is a birthing cow and nothing more isn't you telling me how to do things?"

Cersei was silent. That little cunt had informed her father of what had been said to her? And it seemed like her father was actually annoyed? What in the hell was going on between those two?

"Father, why else would you pick her?"

Tywin sighed and shook his head. Throwing his quill down onto the table and sat up straight in his chair, one leg crossed over the other as he sat there glaring softly up at his daughter.

"She's smart, cunning, and understands how things work around her. She knows when to hold her tongue and when to use it. Something that I cannot say for you."

Cersei stood there wordless. Her father had just praised the Stark woman and bashed her within the same breath. Cersei gave a sad scoff and bit the inner part of her lower lip.

"Is that what you think?"

There was a long pause. Silence filled between the two of them as father and daughter just looked at one another.

"It's what I know. You're not nearly as smart as you believe yourself to be, and no I don't think that because you're a woman, I know that because I've seen it. I watched it all through your life. I had Alanna added to the council because when I'm gone, you'll need someone you can trust, you'll need someone smart you can trust."

Tywin corrected himself before continuing.

"Alanna - your soon to be mother - is that person. She might be young, but she is smart, she'll help you to run the Kingdom."

"Help run the Kingdom... you're not serious?"

Cersei questioned but soon knew that her father wasn't joking when she seen the displeasing look that came across his face. Cersei turned her head away for a moment. She expected to come in here, gun blazing, and demand that Alanna be removed from the council.

But it didn't look as if that was going to happen.

"Is that all you needed? I'm busy, I had work to do."

Tywin spoke while retrieving his quill from the desk and dipped it back into the ink. His eyes returned to the parchment as he heard his daughter's retreating footsteps and the door slam behind her.

Tywin sighed deeply and only made it into a few words when his chamber doors opened.

His eyes turned to the right and seen Alanna walking out in her simple morning clothes.

"Everything alright?"

She questioned causing Tywin to gently place his quill down and turn his full attention toward the woman.

"Cersei is having one of those moments, nothing more."

Alanna gave a soft smile as she walked up to his desk and stood beside his chair. Tywin gazed up at her while his right hand reached up and took her soft arm in his hold.

"Your hair is a mess."

Tywin gave a small smirk as he noted the way her hair was crazed from the bedhead she had. His smirk only widened more when he seen her pale cheeks receive color from his comment.

"Well, it's your fault you know."


"Yes, for starters if you weren't so wild in bed and secondly you don't own a proper brush."

"Well," Tywin said as he pulled for Alanna to fall into his lap. She yelped and looked up at him wide-eyed.

"I suppose if you are going to continue to make nightly visits to me, then I suppose I should at least own at proper brush -- for you of course."

His thumb crossed over her soft lips as he gazed at her. He was taken by suprise when Alanna actually leaned up and kissed him on the lips. It was a first, but it was not unwelcomed at all.

Oh no, the opposite actually.

Tywin Lannister || Taken || Game of ThronesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora